30 September 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Two Torah classes, Benny Lau supports torture, and the cult of Trump


In ancient times no Jew was deranged enough to consider eating meat immoral in principle because it "harms" animals — that's a new one, courtesy of Amalek — but it was a thing to scorn the holy service in the Beis Hamikdash, which is the source of so many blessings.  

In honor of the not-so Orthodox Union and others selling themselves out to the fake meat charade, cloaking themselves in equally fake piety and concern for the greater good, in this week's Torah class we studied relevant sources from Tanach and the Gemara.

In the second part of the class we continued our study of Bitachon from Chovos Halevavos, and learned the proper perspective for those who are single, lonely, or even completely alone in this world.  Definitely food for thought — not fake food, but the real thing.  The recording is available here: Dirty Bread and Clean Meat

Last night was part 6 in my series of classes on Bayis Sheni and redemption.  The recording is available here.

We started Sefer Zecharya and saw more clear messages that the contemporary return to Israel is the real thing and Hashem wants Jews to return en masse.  Those who wish to deny it must dismiss powerful Torah source after powerful Torah source and weave an alternative narrative with little to stand on.  In this way they are no different than others who hijack the Torah to support everything that goes against the Torah.  The fact that they have rabbis who tell them what they want to hear (who doesn't anymore?) makes no difference.

The Torah is not nearly as ambiguous as some people wish to believe.  If they don't like what the Torah teaches, the problem is squarely with them.

*   *   *
Speaking of people who hijack the Torah to support everything that goes against the Torah, Erev Rav Benny Lau recently had an article on the Hebrew edition of Arutz Sheva that takes him to a new low.  For those who are blissfully unfamiliar with this man, Benny Lau is a pretend Orthodox rabbi, Trans-Orthodox, if you will, who has spent his life undermining authentic Torah (a.k.a. "religious extremism") while legitimizing and promoting perversity.  Because he poses as Orthodox, the secular media can celebrate him as a courageous Orthodox rabbi who "proves" that the Torah really supports this garbage.  They need posers like Lau to advance their agenda.

If Lau identified himself properly, Arutz Sheva, which also pretends to be a stalwart of the Torah-observant world, could never get away with publishing his nonsense.  But since Lau identifies as Orthodox, Arutz Sheva could get away with publishing this piece.

Lau casually dismissed the torture that was administered to Amiram Ben Uliel and claimed it had nothing to do with the "confession" that he uttered mere hours after last savage torture session. 

Benny Lau, the great humanitarian and staunch defender of rainbow perversity,   is not at all bothered that Ben Uliel was tortured altogether.  No.  What bothers Lau is that some rabbis had the audacity to advocate on Ben Uliel's behalf.  Lau made it his mission to talk some of them out of it, and to otherwise undermine the growing movement to rescue Ben Uliel from prison and the torture he continues to undergo there, albeit in different forms.  (Jonathan Pollard recently spoke about this here.)

Lau is a tool of the state, and it is the state that he defends.  How can a religious Jew challenge the decision of the courts in Israel, argues Lau? How can a religious Jew undermine state institutions by protesting on behalf of someone they found guilty, fair and square?  What kind of Communist are you, anyway?

What a despicable human being.  If Israel were a truly Jewish state, people like Lau would be deported, at the very minimum.  He has no place among us.

*   *   *

Time to wake up. 
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At this point in time, this sounds good

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