08 September 2023

Zeroing in on Zero

Zeroing in on Zero

Every time they use the word “zero," beware a monstrous lie. Examples: "net zero," "ground zero," "zero gravity." [1]

How appropriate, since zero means nothing, devoid of substance, bereft of any objective truth. That’s why there’s no zero in ancient Hebrew numerals. The Holy Tongue is the language of truth, and zero connotes falsehood.ndeed, today’s zero-pushers have zero tolerance for truth, but why are they so obsessed with zero?

It's simple. The epitome of arrogance, these criminals view all others as zero. Thousands of years ago, Prophet Isaiah warned us of such villains who insolently declare: “אני ואפסי עוד -- (Only) I am, and there is zero besides for me." [2] 

Consequently, their stated goal is to reduce us to zero. We are the carbon they seek to eliminate by aiming for “zero emissions.”

The truth, however, is the reverse. They are zero. Absolute zero.

"Behold them all, their deeds are nought, of no substance ("אפס"); wind and nothingness are their molten images." [3]

"Woe to him who contends with his Creator, a potsherd among the potsherds of the earth, shall the clay say to its potter, "What do you make? And your work has no place." [4]

In fact, they are less than zero. "All the nations are as nought before Him; less than zero and nothingness (מאפס ותוהו) are they regarded by Him." [5]

Moreover, "There is no one besides Me (אפס בלעדי); I am the Lord and there is no other." [6] . Indeed, there is "none like Me" (אפס כמוני) [7].

Only G-d is "our true Sovereign, and there is zero besides for Him." (אמת מלכנו אפס זולתו) [8]

At this perilous time, the only way to be saved from their despicable zero-sum game is by returning to G-d and acknowledging that all else is zero.

"Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other." [9]

"...those who war with you [i.e. God's people, Israel] shall be as nought and as nothing ("כאין וכאפס"). [10] The nations will be judged, and "all its elite shall be nothing" (וכל שריה יהיו אפס) [11]

These illegitimate tyrants will be reduced to zero, as the prophet foretold: "For the tyrants have ended (אפס עריץ) and the scornful have been destroyed, and all those who repeatedly commit brazen injustices shall be cut off." [12]

May it be speedily in our days. Amen.


[1] "Net zero" policies are based on eugencist pseudo-science. "Ground Zero" in Lower Manhattan is the site of an unspeakable psy-op that murdered thousands of innocents, perpetrated by the vile powers who shouldn't be and their many accomplices, in order to push a fake agenda and impose tyranny on the defrauded population. "Zero gravity" is an unsubstantiated myth propagated by notoriously fraudulent NASA. Footage of "zero gravity" is laughably theatrical.

[2] Isaiah 47:8,10, usually translated as: “I am, and there is nothing besides for me.” The word אפס ("nothing") denotes zero in modern Hebrew.

[3] Ibid 41:29

[4] Ibid 45:9

[5] Ibid 40:17. See commentary by R. David Kimchi (RaDaK).

[6] Ibid 45:6

[7] Ibid 46:9

[8] Siddur liturgy, "Aleinu" prayer

[9] Isaiah 45:22

[10] Ibid 41:12

[11] Ibid 24:12

[12] Ibid 29:20 

[13] R Green

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In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl