02 May 2022


 How Could the Israelis be so Stupid . . .

. . . It Must Be Min HaShamayim

From an article by Adam Eliyahu


Rabbi Pinchas Winston blamed one person for the current violence.

“If you made a list of the worst political blunders in history, Moshe Dayan relinquishing Jerusalem after the Six-Day War would be in the top ten,” Rabbi Winston said. “It was totally illogical, and no other country has ever done anything like it ever in history. The political atmosphere in 1967 was so pro-Israel that if we had declared sovereignty on the Temple Mount after the victory, the other nations would have supported us and even called for us to build the Temple.”

“But Dayan’s motivations were clear,” Rabbi Winston said. “He was afraid that if the Temple Mount were in Jewish hands, it would become too powerful a symbol, and Israel would become a truly Jewish state. We see leaders of Israel in the Bible who did not want the nation to serve God, so Dayan was just following in their footsteps.”

Rabbi Winston understood the current events to be related to a midrash brought in the esoteric book, Sefer Eliyahu; Pirke Moshiach. In the *midrash, the Bnei Keturah (sons of Keturah) come to the Temple Mount at the end of days. Keturah was a concubine of Abraham. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham married Keturah after the death of his first wife, Sarah. The midrash identifies Keturah as Hagar, the mother of Ishmael. Abraham and Keturah had six sons.

According to the Pirke Eliyahu, the Bnei Keturah will be friendly with the Jews in the end of days. She will invite them to a contest on the Temple Mount similar to the contest held by Elijah the Prophet on the Carmel against the Priests of Baal. 

The Bnei Keturah and the Jews each bring a sacrifice. Whoever’s sacrifice is not accepted must convert to the other religion. Shockingly, the Midrash states that fire comes down from heaven and consumes the sacrifice of the Bnei Keturah, indicating that their sacrifice was accepted. 

“This will be the final test of the Jewish people,” Rabbi Winston said. “Many will convert, but a small contingent will call out ‘Shema Yisrael, Hashem elokenu, Hashem Echad (Hear O Israel, God is our Lord, God is one). They will go out into the desert. Messiah will be among them. Forty-five days later, things turn around, and in the end, it is clear that the Jews are God’s Chosen.”

“It will only be a small group that hangs on faithfully,” Rabbi Winston said. “But the Arabs never give up, even when they get everything they ask for. There can’t be a negotiated peace with them. The two-state solution is the world telling the Jews to give up.”

The Temple Mount is where both Jewish Temple stood and is the holiest site in Judaism. It should be noted that the only Muslims who claim that the Temple Mount is sacred to Islam do so for political reasons based on a misunderstanding of Islamic theology. It is, in fact, deeply insulting to Sunni to make this claim as they believe that Al-Aqsa is located in Al-Ju’ranah near Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.


Source:  Adam Eliyahu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Winston is right, but besides the wickedness of Dayan, did he get orders from let's say BenGurion or someone at the very top to make sure that the Har Habayit would not be under Jewish control (such as the ptb's of the nations). The state was never soverign from its birth over 70+ years.


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