02 May 2022

All my beautiful avocado plants . . .


BG wants the seeds to be treated with their poisonous gene altering concoction. They want tomatoes to be injected with vaccines, so we eat them and injest it. Ulgh! 

We all need to do our own growing of whatever we can.

I tried last year and while it started out good, they were later overcome by infestation. 

And this was inside my home!

All the beautiful avocado plants, celery greens, tomato vines, and beginning potato plants were devasted. 

I had no way to protect them. I tried a few treatments but nothing helped. Our home became full of flies so I moved it all onto my porch. First the bugs, then the birds started eating, and getting the water just so was impossible in the Israeli sunshine. This was the slow death of all of it.

What an experience I went through. 
ISRAEL is ripe with all kinds of hungry critters. 
Anything one grows, everything needs special netting to protect the fledgling growths. All under the netting.

Also one needs to learn what plants to grow nearby that ward, scare off the bugs. Didn’t have time for that.

This was my favorite Avocado Plant plus Sweet Potato beginnings

Avocado Family

My first big beautiful Avocado plant

This is the only remaining Avocado

Tomato Plants

Celery Plant cut from bottom fresh celery from grocery 
and it blossomed beautifully

So much for my indoor/mirpesset gardening. It’s not an easy endeavor. So, we must appreciate the Farmer who accomplishes and brings us beautiful fruits and veggies for us to enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why every good citizen should notify their representatives in their respective countries that the people will not tolerate being poisoned and controlled as cattle by some few thousand neer-do-wells (literal amaleikim, y's). Whatever happened to the instinct of survival and our human souls given by Hashem to every human being? This proves that these amaleikim are not bnai adam, because only Adam was infused with a G-Dly soul. These ? have no neshamot whatsoever.
H' Yishmor, Yerachem v'Yevarech et Amo Yisrael everywhere on earth, together with decent humanity.


ISRAEL How Bad Does it Have to Get Before You Repent

Lets get real serious  ..........the peaceful "innocent"citizens of Gaza ...... .......And you release "them" into Judea...