12 May 2022

Rabbi Weissman: Interview *****


Last night I was joined via phone by Rabbit Ephraim Luft from Bnei Brak for a candid discussion on the Erev Rav's state-sponsored mass murder of Jews at the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai last year on Lag Ba'omer.  This was and still is portrayed by their propaganda tools in the "Jewish media'' as a "tragic accident" or a stampede, despite overwhelming evidence that this attack -- and there is no doubt it was an attack -- was meticulously planned and viciously executed.  Here's the link to R&B Medical War Crimes #39 - The Meron Terrorist Attack - Rabbi Ephraim Luft:

As I predicted at the time, this also served as a false flag operation to be used as a pretext for the Erev Rav to seize control over the holy site, all in the name of "public safety", of course.

May God keep us safe from those who cynically purport to keep us safe, and may He unleash vengeance upon them without any further delay.

The recording is available here.  Please share it, since many people are not going to hear the truth anywhere else.  Also be sure to check out the links in the description.

My most recent Torah class is available here

Tonight's Torah class will be at 5:30 PM Israel time, and the link to register for the live program is here

For those who are interested in the shidduch world, I recently added two more articles to my site from ancient times (pre-covid):


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Neshama said...

Whoever is responsible for this doesn’t realize how obvious their methods have become. After all, going way back one can see their modus operandi doesn’t change. It’s getting to be transparent.

Anonymous said...

More and more, things are becoming more obvious to even some of the sleeping people.
Fool me once, fool me twice but no more. Rabbi Weissman is fantastic, speaks from the lev!
Shma Koleinu b'yom Koreinu! We need to think and speak with one heart and H' will immediately answer us! Amen!


Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...