24 May 2022

Some More Arab Rhetoric Nonsense

 From where did they get this language?
 Who has influenced them?

Hamas Threatens Israel: “We Won’t Accept This Talmudic Nonsense”

There are Christian born-again revivalists online spreading degrading lies about the Talmud. They are not satisfied with “slander about matzos” now they are attacking the *Talmud. 

Are some of these revivalists among the missionaries flooding Israel?

Are they among those cozying up to Israel’s elected officials? 
Or Knesset members?

This is similar to the first century of the common era when a new religious group tried to wean away halachic Jews from their teachings. We are witnessing a replay.

Those who believe them deserve to be with them when they are removed from Eretz Yisrael!


* the Talmud, or Gemora, is the centuries long commentary of our Sages on our Chumash, and the analyzing and deciphering our oral law. It is this negation that is espoused by the reformers then and now.


Anonymous said...

It is so obvious that everything is coming together! All the enemies since time began and all their reincarnations are being united and exposed; it is very close to our Geulah Shleimah! The head of the snake is the you know who seat that has gotten together all of their allies and who are our sonim from time immemorial for the end game. H' Yevareich every Yehudi neshamah to understand this and merit the Geulah, b'Chesed u'v'Rachamim! Amen!

Neshama said...

More Jews sould begin to see this too.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...