25 May 2022

Rabbi Weissman: A Potpourri of Reading Material


1. Episode 40 of my Root and Branch Medical War Crimes series is available here.  My guest this week was Cecily Routman, President of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation.  We discussed her group's recent counter-protest in Washington, D.C. against those who sanitize and promote the murder of children.

2. Last night's weekly Torah class is now available here.  The Tanach section dealt with the controversial issue of "land for peace".  As with everything, the Torah gives us clear guidance, if only we care to take it.

3. In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963. Talk by Steve Rodan & Elly Sinclair.

Has anything changed?

4. Rabbi Jonathan Rietti and James Roguski on Torah education and the WHO

5. Rabbi Shimon Chyrek - Trusting Doctors According to Jewish Law

Other speakers at this event include Vera Sharav, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Rabbi Chaim Lefkowitz.  Links to their presentations are in the description.

6. Mark McDonald, M.D. on The necessity of sex roles

About 15 years ago I wrote a sefer on the role and nature of Man and Woman according to primary Torah sources, before the world realized it needed it.  I have literally a handful of copies in Israel.  It seems to be out of stock at Amazon, but you can also order it from Kodesh Press here.

I'd love to have this translated to Hebrew at some point...

7. The Haskala movement never ended, it only went underground.

8. I added two more "lost" articles of mine about the shidduch world to my site, on the topic of mixed seating at wedding meals and solutions to the so-called "shidduch crisis".  

9. Frontpagemag posted my recent article Relating to Israel Under the Erev Rav and added a link to a post with excellent background information about the Erev Rav, which you can see here.  

10. Bnei Akiva UK backtracks after wishing 'mazel tov' to lesbian couple

“At Bnei Akiva we are proud of our Religious Zionist ideology, of Am Yisrael, B'Eretz Yisrael, Al Pi Torat Yisrael. We believe that a core value within Torat Yisrael is tolerance and love for all of Am Yisrael. As Rabbi Akiva famously quoted, Ve'Ahavta Lereacha Kamocha [you shall love your neighbor as yourself].”

“As a movement we would like to reaffirm our values of Ahavat Yisrael, encouraging inclusion and acceptance of all, and rejecting all forms of racism, homophobia and hate.”

Yeah, no.

I remember when Bnei Akiva was an Orthodox organization.

Then again, maybe it was a Trojan horse all along.  Who knows?  Either way, they are definitely outside the pale now, like so many other phony "religious" organizations promoting heresy.


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