26 May 2022

רַב חֲשִׁיבוּת: Yesod SheBeYesod Yosef HaTzadik, Yarzeit of the RaMChal, and Shavuos Yarzeit of Dovid HaMelech


Thousands of Jews davened at Kever Yosef HaTzadik in Shechem on Tuesday night for the upcoming Sefiras Yesod Shebayesod of Sefiras HaOmer on Thursday night, which is the midah associated with Yosef Hatzadik.

Chashuve Rabbanim attended the tefillah including HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Gross, Av Beis Din of Chanichei HaYeshivos. the Zvhiller Rebbe, and HaRav Shalom Arush. As Israeli security forces escorted the mispallelim into the kever, hundreds of Arabs began rioting, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at soldiers and some opening live fire. IDF soldiers returned fire and one terrorist was killed.

screenshot from

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"Rabbi Mendel's weekly Monday night shiur has been postponed. He will give it at the end of the week in honor and for the zechus of the Ramchal, whos yahrtzeit is on Friday.

Tziyun (gravemark), or more likely the cenotaph 
of the 
Ramhal in Tiberiasir hakodesh (holy city), Israel.

And on Shavuos is the Yarzeit of our Second King of Israel, Dovid HaMelech. 

wikipedia screenshot

ALSO the Yahrzeit of “Miracle Tanna” Reb Chanina ben Dosa on Friday Iyar 26 (May 27th)

Arraba, Lower Galilee…Israelis from across the religious spectrum are preparing to mark the “Yom Hilulah” (yahrzeit) of the celebrated tanna, Reb Chanina ben Dosa on Friday Iyar 26 (May 27). Chanina Bni (, an organization dedicated to keeping the legacy of the great tanna alive, is preparing to hold special tefillios, especially for people in need of yeshuos on the eve of the yahrzeit as they do weekly on Thursday nights with special learning and davening. Chanina Bni has hundreds of files of people who overcame dire circumstances in life with tefilos at the kever of Chanina ben Dosa.  


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