13 August 2023

Police Persecution Doesn’t End . . . IMP UPDATE

they are trying with all their twisted motivations to frame Indor 

[ATTEMPTED MURDER OF] Jewish man injured in Burqa incident released from hospital into police custody

Yehiel Indor was seriously injured during the attack at Burqa where ןan Arab man was allegedly killed. His detention was extended by 5 days.

Yehiel Indor was released from Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center today (Sunday), more than a week after he was seriously injured during a violent attempted murder attack by a mob of Arabs near the village of Burqa. Indor was immediately taken into police custody upon his release from the hospital for the death of a 19-year-old rioter, which allegedly occurred during the incident.

On Friday, the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court approved the extension of Indor's detention by five days. "A review of the new materials shows that the reasonable suspicion in the respondent's case has strengthened to a certain extent, and this strengthening justifies his being detained for an additional period of time," the judge wrote. Following the hearing, members of Indor's family burst into tears in the courtroom.

Indor was struck in the head and seriously injured by a large rock thrown at him by an Arab during the incident The police representative also said: "Indor admits that he used a weapon, but denies that he fired directly and claims that he shot into the air," added the police prosecutor before the court.

"Yesterday an attempt was made to interrogate Indor in the hospital, before that he got up from his bed, walked and talked without complaining of any problem. But after receiving advice from his lawyer, he suddenly decided that he was not feeling well and asked not to be interrogated.”

total rubbish, and shows intent to frame the victim

Police have dropped the suspicions of arson and nationalistically motivated crimes against Indor. He still faces charges of causing death by negligence or intent, as well as conspiracy, disruption, and rioting.

the following is total rubbish, and shows intent to frame the victim:

At the beginning of the detention extension hearing, the police representative said, "We have a significant development that significantly links the respondent to what is attributed to him and significantly strengthens the reasonable suspicion against him. 

the following is total rubbish, and shows intent to frame the victim:

The investigating unit is much more focused [after contriving how to persecute him] and precise both in terms of the offenses attributed and in terms of the evidence.” [smells like a frameup to please the vicious arabs; think Duma] 

However, he admitted that "no additional materials were submitted beyond what was presented to the district court.”

The police have not been able to match the bullets in Indor's gun with the one that killed the Arab as he was buried immediately.


The odd sentence in Jewish detainee's hospital discharge note

Yehiel Indor, the Jewish man severely injured and suspected of shooting an Arab rioter during a violent incident near the village of Burqa a little over a week ago, was discharged from Shaare Zedek Medical Center on Sunday and taken into custody by the Samaria and Judea District Police. The hospital's discharge note included a puzzling sentence: "There are no special instructions regarding a bed for he will sleep on.”

they are trying to frame him, to appease the Arabs or JB??

His family claims in a letter to the court, which was obtained by Galei Tzahal reporter Shahar Glick, that "the discharge conditions were written under pressure from the Shin Bet and the police.”

The journalist Arnon Segal spoke out, stating: "They kidnap a severely injured attack survivor from the hospital to force him to admit a crime he didn't commit. Where are your ministers and MKs from the right? And what are you doing so we don't turn into Sodom?" Earlier, following the discharge, the journalist Tweeted that "someone is preparing Amiram Ben-Uliel 2," a reference to the suspect in the Duma arson case whose confessions were forced by the Shin Bet through torture.

"the police are dangerous and a threat to normal life -
Indor must be protected from them:

Elchanan Gruner from the Kol Hayehudi news website pondered the unusual sentence. "Who writes such a thing in a discharge note? Only a doctor who was pressured to release an injured patient to detention and to allow his interrogation in a detention facility under terrible conditions that are not appropriate for someone with brain injuries who just underwent complex surgery.”

Attorney Adi Keidar from the Honenu legal advocacy organization submitted a rushed request to reevaluate the extension of Indor's detention and says his fitness for detention should be evaluated, and his medical condition should be discussed immediately. In the request, the attorney states that it is a matter of human life since he underwent complex brain surgery and is now being transferred from the hospital to detention.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With a right wing gov, isn't there a new set of ways to combat the evil, wicked, monstrous Amaleikim? Why should the police or IDF heads have control of everything. The unsupreme court
should immediately be disbanded, whether they like it or not. They have always done everything wicked against the innocent, whether the public 'liked it or not'. The same must be done to their power - null and void that power.


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