21 August 2023

Pere Adam and Bnei Yaakov


Chofetz Chaim   “Who knows what this wild beast of a man is capable of perpetrating against the Jewish people in the end of days?’

The Torah calls them pereh adam. Not adam pereh, man first then ‘wild one’. No. First its the “wild one” and then the man. This characterizes their behavior in humanity as a whole, and especially in connection with bnei Yaakov, the Jews.

1.  Pereh means wild and unrestrained, in this context like a wild animal.  The Chafetz Chaim writes that in Hebrew the noun comes before the verb; good boy is yeled tov.  So Yishmael should have been referred to as Adam Pereh.  The Torah instead put the adjective first to emphasize just how wild he is, that this is his essence.

2.  Torah source:  pereh adam is a construct form, meaning that he will be a wild-ass man accustomed to the wilderness. The Ramban:

פרא אדם לשון רש"י (רש"י על בראשית ט״ז:י״ב) אוהב מדברות לצוד חיות כמו שכתוב (בראשית כ״א:כ׳) וישב במדבר ויהי רובה קשת ידו בכל ליסטים ויד כל בו הכל שונאין אותו ומתגרין בו והנכון כי פרא אדם סמוך שיהיה איש פרא למוד מדבר יצא בפעלו משחר לטרף ויטרוף הכל והכל יטרפוהו והענין על זרעו שיגדל ויהיו להם מלחמות עם כל העמים ורבי אברהם אמר (אבן עזרא על בראשית ט״ז:י״ב) ידו בכל שינצח מתחלה כל הגוים ואחר כן יד כל בו שינוצח בסוף ועל פני כל אחיו שהם בני קטורה ישכון שיגדל זרעו מהם:

3.  From (5762) – The following story is brought down by the revered Rabbi Dichovsky, of blessed memory, in his book, Neot Desha, on concluding a tractate of Talmud. [not the exact same, but another])

[…] “In the following words of Torah, he said: ‘The holy Torah tells us regarding Ishmael that he is a ‘Pere Adam,’ a wild beast of a man. It is known that our Torah is eternal, and if it says about Ishmael that he is a wild beast of a man, then Ishmael will remain forever a wild beast of a man. Even if all of the cultured nations of the world will gather together and try to educate Ishmael and transform him into a cultured individual, so that he will no longer be a wild beast of a man, obviously this will be impossible in every fashion or form. They will not be able to do this through any means whatsoever, because he is not capable of being a cultured individual, for behold, the Torah testified regarding him that he is a wild beast of a man. This means that forever, for all eternity, Ishmael is by definition a wild beast of a man. Even if Ishmael will be involved in intellectual endeavor, like being a lawyer, or some similar profession, then he will be a beastly lawyer. If he will study diligently to be a professor, then he will be a beastly professor. This means that the bestiality of Ishmael will never cease.’

“Then the Chofetz Chaim let out a long, painful sigh and said, ‘Who knows what this wild beast of a man is capable of perpetrating against the Jewish people in the end of days?’

“Concluding his words to me, he said, ‘Nevertheless, fear not – there is no reason for this to prevent you from making Aliyah to the Land of Israel.’

So while the pereh adam attempt to “lynch” any Jew they can get their hands on, when that Jew defends himself (as he is created in the image of G–d) the pereh adam is incensed at the Jew’s audacity for behaving like a true creation of Hashem, in the image of Hashem, that this pere.adam is intent is to murder the Jew.

In the current State of Israel, when a Jew defends himself against a pereh.adam who wants to kill him, the police of the State of Israel become incensed and also try to lynch the victim. The infection of Amalek is so great that there is NO remedy to correct the situation.

For instance:

On June 20, four Jews near the town of Eli were just going about their day when they were targeted and shot to death. Some in the midst of enjoying warm bowls of fresh hummus and pita, others were casually gassing up their cars. Three beloved sons in the prime of their lives and a father were gone []

August, Yeheil Indor’s head sliced open by a ROCK thrown by a Pere Adam = Burqa

In the Dance of Redemption the Amaleki Israel Police attacking and “scuffling” with “Settlers”: those that serve Hashem and respect the Land, to settle and build up the Jew’s Yerusha.

Elisha Yered, being persecuted by same Amaleki Israel Police for defending his life, as commanded by the G–d of Israel for all Jews.

The Supreme Court of the State of Israel, in accordance with its Barak Agenda, curtails, suspends, and disqualifies the legality of Laws voted in by the Government of the State of Israel, as furtherance of its “Pere-Arab Good – Jew Bad” Leniency, Leftist Progressive Anti- G–d, Anti-Settler, Anti-Religious, The Anything-Goes-Immoral-Woke Agenda. They are dragging the Jews of Israel into another Sdom and Gemorrah society.

The State of Israel nurtures and protects Elite Defense Establishment Left-leaning, U.S.Clones, who serve the foreign gods (of America) against 3000 years of Jewish Heritage and Jewish Supremacy over Our G–d given Land of Israel. Purely Anti– G-d.   i.e.

Comprehensive Listing of Terrorism Victims in Israel (9/93 to present)

From the Oslo Accords (Sept. 1993) until September 2000 - nearly 300 Israelis were killed in attacks.

During the Al-Aqsa Intifada (Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2005), another 1,100 Israelis were killed.

Since September 2000, Palestinian terrorist attacks have claimed at least 1,411 Israeli lives. Hundreds more have been wounded.

Since the Oslo Accords were signed, at least 1,671 Israelis have been murdered.

This list includes 21 Israelis killed abroad in terror attacks directed specifically against Israeli targets and three American diplomatic personnel killed in Gaza. It does not include nine IDF soldiers killed during Operation Cast Lead or the IDF soldiers killed in Operation Protective Edge. [The listing on the main page is divided by year, and within the year by date.]


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