28 August 2023

Some Interesting Facts About Your Food

Overview of The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard Feb 2019

As many of you are aware, in the summer of 2016 Congress passed an amendment to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946.

That amendment required the Secretary of Agriculture to draft regulations to establish a national, mandatory bioengineered food disclosure standard.

A team of dedicated individuals from the Agricultural Marketing Service and other agencies across the USDA have worked diligently over the last two years to draft the final regulations.

By providing a uniform, national standard for labeling bioengineered foods we can increase transparency in our food system and give consumers information about the bioengineered status of their foods.


Safety and Risk of GMO Foods - with Jeffrey Smith | The Empowering Neurologist EP. 91

Without a doubt, one of the most highly debated topics in health and wellness centers on the safety or risk associated with GMO foods. Today, Austin Perlmutter M.D. joins me to interview Jeffrey Smith, who has, for the past two decades, done his best to raise public awareness of possible health-related concerns about genetically modifying our food.

Today, he shares some of his most recent revelations from his research on GMO products, as well as the latest information related to the herbicide glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in the commercial product Roundup.


Food Labeling: How to Identify Conventional, Organic and GMO Produce

The price look-up (PLU) code system used by most produce distributors has the side benefit of allowing consumers to identify conventional and organic produce at the grocery store. Even though the defeat of Proposition 37 means that genetically engineered information will not be added to labels at this time, PLU codes do have the potential to identify genetically engineered produce. This video shows you how to read PLU codes to unlock the information that is already right at your fingertips. Written and Produced by Mike Kahn.


What does the number on your fruit and veggie sticker mean?

How do you know if your food is Genetically Modified (GMO),  produced with chemical or Organic? Just by taking a closer look to the number printed on the fruit and vegetable sticker (PLU Code), you will know how your fruit or veggie was grown. Watch the video and learn how to decode produce stickers/labels and the truth about your food.


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VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO FULL OF IMP INFO (connect all 3 lines of text (no spaces) to get to the video:

0agOno5x2yw ?si=Ueq_jsxIkClerf6- 


Anonymous said...

Basically, it's telling us that eating just to survive has become such a danger, so the reshaim behind it all have the upper hand any which way, r'l.
One of the reasons the earth is in a chaotic mode for the last couple of decades is because it has been so corrupted and now it will have to be totally cleansed for the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu. Hashem is in control!
Because it is keitz hayamim, all the evils that ever were have been released for its final judgment.
Hashem Yerachem on humanity.

Neshama said...

Yes, and I wrote something about ‘The Earth is Suffering” soon to be posted.

Reb Ginsbourg: Vaiera – "The staff of Aaron swallowed their staffs"

  "The staff of Aaron swallowed their staffs" The Egyptians acted as a snake, in their cruelty adding affliction and suffering, wa...