24 August 2023

Rabbi Weissman: The Great Reset: The Torah's Blueprint for Society

It's a bit of a click-baity title for this week's Torah class, but not too much, 

and I offer a full money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied.  

The recording is available here.

*   *   *

Which Jewish community will be the first to rise up and run their local Erev Rav

 poison pusher out of town?  

I don't want to hear any more big talk about Nuremberg 2.0 

when not a single one of these creeps has been 

so much as fired by their local congregation.

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I'm pleased to announce that this Thursday at 2 PM Israel time I will be giving the first of a series of shiurim for Machon Shilo on the topic of Bayit Sheni and Geulah (based on the material in my sefer Go Up Like a Wall). This is in addition to my weekly Torah class and monthly Erev Rav and Amalek program with the Root and Branch Association. Everyone is welcome to join the live classes, and the recordings will be available on my Rumble channel, as well as Machon Shilo's channels.

Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 891 1985 7780
Passcode: 125012

The weekly Root and Branch Torah Fellowship features selections from Tanach, Jewish thought, and Jewish law.

The link to register for the live class is

See much more at


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