30 August 2023

EOH: Equal Opportunity Harrassment


Members of the right-wing Im Tirtzu organization on Wednesday morning held a “protest of shame” against a leader of the campaign of the recent relentless harassment of government officials and their families in Israel and abroad.

they deserve to be on the receiving end the same as they harrass others

Nava Rozolyo, a resident of Tel Aviv, manages a Whatsapp group with thousands of members with the sole purpose of stalking and harassing government officials. Members of the group are informed in real-time of the location of government members, including during their private family or vacation time, and are encouraged to storm the area. It was her actions that resulted in an angry mob storming a hairdresser in Tel Aviv in March after she informed members that Sara Netanyahu was inside.

On her social media accounts, she calls herself a “protest group of one woman” and calls her group “The Guards of Bushah.” She proudly boasts about her harassment of publicly elected officials and engages in radical incitement on the level of Ehud Barak, and in fact, she shared the same radical video comparing Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hiter that Barak recently shared. Although, by profession, Rozolyo, a single 37-year-old, is a lawyer and accountant, she currently dedicates all her time to her new profession of stalking public officials.

An Im Tirzu leader said: “Nava Rozolyo and her friends operate in a method that threatens elected officials while completely subverting the values of democracy. As a result of these actions, the State of Israel has deteriorated into anarchy and the voices of millions of citizens are silenced. The neighbors of elected officials also have rights, not only anarchists”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These radicals seem to be mind-controlled; their actions are so over the top.
Just the other day, I learned that before the rise of hitler, yimach shmo v'zichro,
the judges and legal system became so corrupt which ultimately led to the rise of the nazis, yimach shmom v'zichrom.
People have to start learning from history in order they not make the same terrible mistakes. We see the corruption in many countries now of the 'legal systems'.
Seems it's always the left that cause the tzarot and they seem to love tyranny, c'v.

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