29 August 2023

Rabbi Weissman: Returning to Jerusalem with Joy and Mourning & A Warning to Galus Jews


The first in a series of new Tanach classes based on the material in Go Up Like a Wall is available here.  The next class is scheduled for this Thursday at 11 AM Israel time.  The link to join the live class via Zoom is here.  This is in addition to my regular Wednesday classes.

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Maui, just like Meron, was a well-planned military/deep state operation against innocent civilians.  There is overwhelming evidence of this despite their efforts to cover it up and restrict access to information.  Here is just one independent report from the ground that is worth watching:

Those who think they can ride out what's coming by moving someplace far from the big cities are fooling themselves.  They incinerated hundreds, possibly thousands of people in an exotic location in Hawaii, and one can only imagine what these Molech Satanists did with all the missing children.  They have plans for the homestead you want to set up, too.

Consider all the planning that went into this, all the people who were involved and complicit, and then tell me Jews — or any God-fearing people — should feel safe in America.  There is no secret army of good guys that is coming to save the day, and if you think the Satanists will allow you to simply vote them out of power, you're delusional.  

The people who run the pretend-Jewish state of Israel are no better, but here there is a high concentration of people who won't just follow orders, who won't just do their job, who truly fear God, and will do the right thing when it counts.  Plus, Israel is the only place on earth that we know with certainty will make it through what's coming with a happy ending.  

Jews, come home.  You have no future in America, or in Europe, or anywhere else.  It's not your job to save America.  Is America where you want to be when they restrict travel because of "covid"?  When they close the borders altogether?  When they start drafting people for the meat grinder in Ukraine?   When the deep state decides to play with their toys in your city?  If you still think these are laughable concerns, keep listening to the certified experts in the Mockingbird Media, not the people who have been consistently ahead of the curve and actually care about you.

You have no future in galus.  Better to leave a few minutes early than stay a few minutes too late.


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Beware the Majority Reports

This is a fundamental lesson on the Torah's perspective about following the majority.  I've written about this many times, but it's nice to see a sensible piece like this from someone else, whoever this anonymous scholar is.

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