28 August 2023



“[…] there will always be an attack from Amalek before a historic influx of Divine light. 

Amalek attacked the Jewish people in Rephidim before the giving of Torah, and Haman attacked us in Persia right before the Purim miracle and Kabbalas HaTorah, Part 2 (Shabbos 88a). 

Some would argue that the Holocaust before the establishment of the modern state of Israel is also an example of this.

Why is this a historical imperative? Because every light needs a vessel to be noticeable in this world, and Divine light requires a humble one. 

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The verse says, “But the humble shall inherit the land, and they shall delight in much peace” (Tehillim 37:11). The arrogant may build the land, but it will be the humble who will inherit it.

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A Story:  “Years back,” he told my friend, “they found a large tumor in my stomach. The doctors said it was very advanced and I didn’t have much time to live. I went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, at the time, and he told me there was nothing he could do. The Heavenly decree was sealed. I went to Rav Shteinman, zt”l, and he said pretty much the same thing. Finally, I went to Rav Abuchatzira in Nahariah, and after being made to wait about a half hour, he told me that they only thing to do was to accept upon myself humiliation. So I took this job about four years ago and here I am, still alive and doing well, thank G–D.”

Kabbalistically, humiliation is one of the most effective ways to become spiritually cleansed, and that is crucial for a more profound relationship with G–D

Source:  Rabbi Pinchas Winston shlit"a

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