23 August 2023

Iran threatens Israel: 'Prepare for a trip to the Stone Age'

Iran’s new Drone - No New Toy

Iran threatens Israel: 'Prepare for a trip to the Stone Age'

Iran again threatened to destroy the State of Israel during the unveiling of a new drone with a flight range of up to 2,000 kilometers and the ability to fly at an altitude of 7,000 meters.

The Ministry of Defense in Tehran explained that the drone is able to go on sorties of up to 24 hours straight and carry a load weighing up to 300 kg. In addition, it was said that it carries electronic surveillance equipment and a camera. 

In a video circulated in the Iranian media, the drone is seen next to a threatening inscription in Hebrew and Persian: "Prepare the shelters.”

The Telegram channel which is affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, published an edited photo of the Iranian drone over the city of Dimona with a caption in Hebrew: "Prepare for a trip to the Stone Age.”

This is thought to be a reference to Defense Minister Yoav Galant's threat to return Lebanon to the "Stone Age" if Hezbollah makes a “mistake"

our enemies like Gallant’s threat “back to the Stone Age

Stoneage 'Iron Dome’:

Stoneage ‘David’s Sling’

David’s Sling

[Just poking fun at Gallant’s threat]


לאה said...

Stone age...Beis Hamikdash!!

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Yes, Leah, thanks for giving "stone age" more than one meaning! May it come around again soon.

Neshama said...

Actually Ladies, our Temple was in the Iron Age; the Stone Age was a bit before that when people knew NOT how to do very much.
Didn’t anyone get my humor??

The Iron Age II saw many upheavals. Most of it coincided with the First Temple period, since the Temple in Jerusalem was built at its beginning, during the time of King Solomon
Iron Age II - King David and the First Temple Period - Timeline,the%20time%20of%20King%20Solomon.

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