18 August 2023

Rabbi Weissman – A King's Ransom and Career Guidance + Much More

 In this week's Torah class we compared the oppressive life under ancient kings to the freedom and independence we enlightened modern people supposedly enjoy today, and you might find the results surprising.  

We also received career guidance that will save many young people from lives of frustration, and would have saved countless lives when people were blackmailed to take "safe and effective" shots to keep their jobs.  

Along the way we also learned what it means to be complete with Hashem, poked fun at feminists and evolutionists, and more.  All in less than an hour, no charge.

Makes you wonder why graduates of the "best" yeshivas and seminaries don't know any of this, can't think for themselves, and don't see any problem with that, while their parents are drowning in debt to pay for their "education" and consider it a privilege. 

I have my theories.

I'm trying to undo the damage, one shiur at a time.  

The recording is available here.


Of course she is.  They're all paid shills.  But it's still eye-opening to hear one of these witches come out and cheerfully admit it, like this absurd conflict of interest shouldn't concern anyone.

In case you didn't see it, here are highlights from JOWMA's webinar promoting immorality and the murder of Jewish babies.  Due to backlash, which is far too rare, they removed it from public view, but I've saved the evidence, and look forward to the day when these wicked wretches will be prosecuted for everything they've done.  

I'm still waiting for "the gedolim" (whoever they even are) to publicly condemn this Erev Rav front group.  I see protests outside stores that sell smartphones, and hyperbolic rabbinic statements about all sorts of bogeymen, but here you have Amalek-sponsored moles and mosrim inside the community, waging war on our families physically and spiritually, clear as day, and the rabbis have nothing to say about it.

What a disgrace.  


On a more positive note, this is a recording of an important conference featuring the following presentations:

Yudi Sherman: Beyond Birth Control - How the Pill Kills Attraction
Dr. James Thorp: Not an Innocent Little Tablet - Risks and Harms of the Pill
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti: Connecting the Dots - Is the Sacredness of Jewish Life Under Attack?
Rabbi Shimon Chyrek: A Torah Perspective on Building a Family
Eliezer Gruber: Proper Diet and Nutrition for Fertility and Optimal Maternal and Fetal Health 

The organizer of the event, Brucha Weisberger, did a write-up of the first presentation with additional important information here.  Highly recommended.

Share the information, then put some heat on JOWMA and their Erev Rav ilk.  Everyone needs to take action.

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