21 August 2023

איך עוצרים את הפיגוע הבא? | הרב שמואל אליהו | הלכה יומית | ג' אלול תשפ”ג English/Ivrit

*Making sounds like a candidate for MASHIACH 

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Compares the IDF in Samaria to the Pre-1948 British Army

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Tsfat and a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, on Sunday, compared the initial response of the IDF Spokesperson to the double murder in Huwara (Father and Son from Ashdod Murdered in Huwara Terror Attack) to the kind of response Jews in Eretz Israel once expected from the British Mandatory government to the rampant Arab murders.

Rabbi Eliyahu reacted to two announcements by the IDF Spokesperson, which the IDF has since deleted: “In one he is asking what are Jews doing in Huwara, and in the other he is warning that God forbid, Jews must not avenge the spilled blood.”

“This is the problem of the IDF spokesman?” Rabbi Eliyahu asked (see the video below). “What are you, the British army? Riots by Arabs against Jews were also a hundred years ago.

Rabbi Eliyahu continued: “They say about the Rav Kook that, following riots, he would not shake hands with the officers of the British army, and he told them: The blood of the murdered is on your hands, you did not act to stop it, you must take action so that this does not happen, if you know there will be a murder, why are you sitting quietly?”

“We are not in the era of British rule, and the IDF is not the British army,” he went on. “We expect the IDF to act like a Jewish army. ‘I shall pursue my enemies and overtake them; I will not turn back until I destroyed them (Psalms 18:38).’ Not understand them, not contain them and not anything else. We expect the IDF to take action.”

Last Tuesday, Rabbi Eliyahu posted on his Facebook page an angry statement headlined: “You have lost my trust.”

He was responding to the despicable behavior of the security apparatus in hounding a Jewish shepherd who killed an Arab attacker in self-defense after the shepherd had been hit in the head with a boulder, landing him in the ICU.

“I call on the members of the Jewish Department of the Shin Bet and say: I have lost my trust in you. As far as I am concerned, you are not working to investigate the truth. You just want to show everyone that you are right.”

Rabbi Eliyahu added: “How is it acceptable to take a person with a head injury from intensive care at the hospital, and subject him to a Shin Bet investigation under torture? In the end, they will tell everyone that he also confessed to Rabin’s murder…”

“If you want to earn back our trust, you will have to work hard on it,” he concluded. “In the meantime, all your messages are not reliable in our eyes. All your arrests are false arrests. All the confessions you will extract from the mouths of the accused are confessions that were extracted illegally.”

איבדתם את האמון שלי
מעצרו של הפצוע יחיאל אינדור שנלקח מבית החולים עם אזיקים ברגלים לחקירות השב"כ הוא סוף מבחינתי .
אני פונה אל אנשי המחלקה היהודית בשב"כ ואומר: איבדתי את האמון בכם. מבחינתי אתם לא פועלים לחקר האמת. אתם רק רוצים להראות לכולם שהם הצודקים.
הרגע שבו התחלתם לאבד את האמון שלי היה לפני כשנה, כשעצרתם את הבחור שהגן על הילדים ליד אריאל. חקרתם אותו בעינויים והשפלתם אותו עד עפר. בסוף, בית המשפט שחרר אותו בלי כל אישום. אך בינתיים הרסתם לו את שמו הטוב והשארתם לו צלקת לכל החיים.
בימים ההם, בתקופה שחקרתם אותו, שאלנו אני וחבריי הרבנים את רונן בר - ראש השב"כ מדוע אתם מענים את היהודי שהגן על הילדים, למה במקום חקירה אתם לא נותנים לו צל"ש? ראש השב"כ השיב לי ולחבריי הרבנים כי יש דברים שאנו לא יודעים ואסור לגלותם, ואף הבטיח שכשהדברים יתבררו נגלה שהם פעלו כשורה. ובכן, עברו שלשה חודשים מאז המעצר והבן אדם שוחרר לביתו בלי שום אישום.
עכשיו, חוזרים ושבים במחלקה היהודית בשב"כ על אותו סיפור, מנסים לדוג מאינדור הודאה על פשע שלא ביצע, ולעשות את מה שעשו לעמירם בן אוליאל לפני יותר משבע שנים. איך מתקבל על הדעת לקחת אדם פצוע ראש מטיפול נמרץ בבית החולים, ולהכניס אותו לחקירת שב"כ בעינויים? אחר כך עוד יספרו לכולם שהוא גם הודה בחקירתו ברצח רבין...
אין לנו אמון בכם, אנשי המחלקה היהודית של השב"כ. זכיתם ביחס הזה בצדק במגוון שלם של פעולות. אין לנו אמון בשיקול הדעת שלכם. אין לנו אמון במטרות שלכם. אין לנו אמון בשום אמירה שלכם.

אם אתם רוצים לזכות באמון שלנו בחזרה, תצטרכו לעבוד קשה לשם כך. בינתיים, כל ההודעות שלכם בעינינו לא אמינות. כל המעצרים שלכם - הם מעצרי שווא. כל ההודאות שתוציאו מפי הנאשמים הן הודאות שנגבו שלא כדין. כך לא פועל גוף האמון על האמת והצדק. בלי אמון הציבור אין לכם זכות לפעול בשמנו. כדאי שתחשבו מסלול מחדש. 

David Israel at

NOTE: If you've noticed lately that Rabbi Eliyahu has been speaking out about injustices and admonishing the Defense establishment and the Government. The “TERROR” is getting way out of hand and more and more are stating so, especially at the Defense Minister and IDF Head.


Anonymous said...

Think about it, how Rabbi Eliyahu is comparing today's IDF to the British army pre the 1948 War of Independence. Everyone knows that it was the British army that was behind the Arab terror of that time. We hope that today's IDF is not giving a wink to today's arab murderers. By always giving them a pass and instead arresting and tormenting the Jewish victims, what else should we think. The Jewish army has an obligation to defend the 'Jews' first and foremost; that is the precondition and there is no excuse otherwise.

Neshama said...

You are so correct.
But how do you feel/think about Eliyahu speaking and condemning the responsible parties?
No one else has spoken so forthrightly.
Could he be the precursor to MBY or MBY himself?
Opinion please
And he is from the Galil!

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Rabbi Eliyahu added: “How is it acceptable to take a person with a head injury from intensive care at the hospital, and subject him to a Shin Bet investigation under torture?..."

Because of what the Shin-Bet did to Amiram Ben-Uliel (Amiram ben Nurit for prayer)! He's in solitary confinement for about 8 years now for confessions under torture. Testimony that someone else was guilty of the fires of Duma abounds, even among the Arabs of Duma itself.

They're trying to take the precedent and make it stronger.

Next thing you know, they'll call Ahuvya Sandak to trial. Oh, wait. He won't come back to this life for that!

Neshama said...

Yes, I got that straight away when they tried to “lynch” him. However, they messed up and were not prepared for the Judge.
I contacted offline someone in the Settler com. that they were trying to repeat a “Amram ben Ulliel” situation, and that the Settlers had better PROTEST LOUD AND CLEAR. And that’s what they did at the String Bridge!!
It helped. Also Hashem helped him immensely.

Thanks Hava - "how else does one say boomb!!” :-))

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right. To answer the question about Rabbi Eliyahu - B'H, he seems to be much his late father, ztl. Like father, like son.
A big yasher koach!

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