13 August 2023


Former IDF General: Israel’s Control Of Judea And Samaria ‘Similar To Nazi Germany’s Policies’

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In yet another controversial comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany by a former IDF general, Amiram Levin, the former head of Israel’s Northern Command claimed that Israel’s control of Judea and Samaria has similarities to discriminatory policies under Nazi Germany. Levin expressed the fear that soldiers will not be motivated to defend the country if the coalition succeeds in implementing its judicial reforms.

Are these Erev Rav turning into antisemitic Jew Haters?

Just don’t understand where he is coming from, and what he envisions?

Amiram Levin also commanded the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and served as deputy director of the Mossad spy agency, told Kan radio on Sunday morning that the military is not only suffering harm to its preparedness because of reservists’ threats and refusals to serve amid the government’s judicial overhaul, but is also “rotten to its core” due to Israel’s ongoing presence in Judea and Samaria.

“It stands on the side, looks at the rioting settlers, and begins to be a partner in war crimes,” Levin told the public broadcaster. “It’s 10 times worse than the issue of [military] readiness… and I say honestly, I am not angry at the Palestinians, I am angry at us. We are killing ourselves from the inside.”

Levin is echoing sentiments made by Meretz leader Yair Golan, but is considered more of a mainstream member of society, having been appointed by Netanyahu himself as deputy director of the Mossad.

The interviewer asked Levin if he agreed with Golan’s 2016 speech, who as IDF deputy chief of staff said that processes in Israel were “similar to some in Europe in the years leading up to the Holocaust.”

“We find it difficult to say it, but that’s the truth,” Levin responded. “Look around Hebron, look at streets, streets that Arabs can’t use, only Jews, that’s exactly what happened in countries like that.”

the hostile arab population is about 6-8 times that of Jews; so they need their own protected streets

Pressed on whether he saw specific similarities with Nazi Germany, Levin said: “Of course. It hurts, it’s not nice, but that’s the reality. It’s better to deal with it, even if it is hard, than to ignore it.”

Levin also criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s appointment of “draft dodger” cabinet members such as National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who was not accepted for mandatory military service by the IDF because of his extreme views.

The prime minister is being exploited by “a messianic group of criminals, former ‘hilltop youth,’ people who don’t even know what democracy is,” he charged, referring to extremist settler activists.

“They come from areas where there is no democracy, from the West Bank, where for 56 years there hasn’t been democracy there,” said Levin. “There is absolute apartheid.”

Levin also spoke  Saturday night at the central anti-reform demonstration in Tel Aviv, where he burst into tears while appealing to Likud ministers to intervene and stop the reforms.

In response to Levin’s radio interview, Likud MK Danny Danon, a member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, expressed disappointment that people who had contributed to the state in the past would express such sentiments, saying that “their minds get a little confused.”

“Anyone who compares us to Germany or the Nazi regime needs to be examined,” Danon said.

In response to Levin’s comments, Ben Gvir’s office said in a statement that the former general “knows well that Ben Gvir was not drafted into the army because of political pressure from leftists.”

Are these Erev Rav turning into antisemitic Jew Haters?

Just don’t understand where he is coming from, and what he envisions?


Anonymous said...

Might be, you do know that there were a number of nazis, y'shmom, that infiltrated into the newly pre and then new Medina and settled in the medina. They married some Jewish bolshevik women and we shouldn't be surpised if the general is a descendant. Because our Chazal teach us
that where there is 'cruelty', we should know they do not stem from Avraham, Yitzchak & Yaakov Avinu!

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, the erev rav amaleikim have always been Jew haters, that is the hatred for the Jew who believes in Hashem and His holy Torah! Whether these erev rav are so-called Jews with Jewish names and speak the holy tongue, but are determined to do away with Torah Judaism, c'v, they are really the Erev Rav Amaleikim and are natural Jew haters just like the rest of the world's Amaleikim. It's an uphill battle but the results will be victory for the Bnai Yisrael!

Neshama said...

Thank you. Didn’t think of the ‘Germaine’ connection.


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