01 February 2023

Fascinating Archaeological Proof for the Torah and Exodus – PART II

The following is provided from the work of Efraim Palvanov on his website, Mayim Achronim
In particular the article, 

An eye-opening journey through some incredible pieces of archaeological evidence that support the events and narratives of the Tanakh, including the Exodus and the Sinai Revelation. Topics discussed include the Yaqub-Har seals, the destruction of Sodom, the Merneptah Stele and the Ipuwer Papyrus, the Ebla tablets, the Hyksos, Avaris, the Nuweiba Red Sea crossing, and Jebel Maqla. We also address why so much Biblical archaeology has been deliberately suppressed. Link to the video on the Yaqub-Har seals: Link to the video on the tomb of Joseph: *Link to the article on the Ipuwer Papyrus: **Link to an article on the Red Sea/Reed Sea and location of the real Mount Sinai: See more archaeological evidence here:…

* This was mentioned in

** I’ve covered this info around the time of Pesach a few years ago, of which I have a copy of an article that also covers the possible Neuweiba crossing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing that bothers me and that is the Rabbi tends to go with the so-called 'facts' from non-Jewish sources in certain cases. He should only emphasize the true Torah sources, such as Joseph's burial. We know that Yoseph was buried in the Nile as was the way of the Egyptians and it was Moshe Rabbeinu who called up Yoseph to rise up from the water and that is how he was taken out of Egypt back to his real home of Eretz Yissrael.
