23 February 2023

Nationwide Warning to American Communities and Synagogues

this is very alarming because it is advertised as NATIONWIDE; that is, all the States’ Synagogues and neighborhoods are being threatened with "antisemitic action”

The ADL tweeted on February 9 that it had been “monitoring plans for a day of antisemitic action set to take place nationwide on February 25. This day may include antisemitic and white supremacist propaganda distributions and banner drops. At this time, ADL has not tracked any direct or specific threats of violence.”

On Monday night this week, two Chicago media outlets reported that the CPD’s 24th District, which includes West Ridge and Rogers Park, the two largest Jewish neighborhoods in Chicago, has sent out a warning to residents to be “situationally aware” of an extremist group’s planned antisemitic “day of hate” on February 25.

Officers Michael Specht and Roger Heath (I checked – they are real, and listed as serving at the 024 District – DI), disseminated the community alert below:

The alert was emailed to synagogues and individual Jewish residents throughout the Chicago area.
According to the WhatNationalDayIsIt website, the last time the Internet mentioned “hate day” was on May 6.

At the same time, the website National Today lists the following references to February 25th celebrations which should serve as a healthy alternative for neo-Nazi psychos: Let’s All Eat Right Day; National Chocolate Covered Nut Day; International Sword Swallowers Day; Choiseul Province Day; Day of Liberation and Innovation; EDSA Revolution Anniversary; Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day; and Kuwait Independence Day. Also, if your name is Billy or Jessica – February 25 is your day. And if you started out as Billy and became Jessica – the same day is still reserved for you.

But all kidding aside, if you happen to live in North Chicago’s West Ridge or Rogers Park – please walk to shul in groups. Davening at home is also an option.

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