20 February 2023

Some Middle of the Night Thoughts


The Supreme Court acting as the final-word dictatorship, is not this fascism?

The supreme court is activated by a submission for judgment, but when all judges selected are of the same “intellectual and political persuasion” this creates a dictatorship

A dictatorship moulded by international non-Jewish (concepts of) law upon a jewish nation is foreign interference

A jewish nation in its proper functioning has Jewish laws that should govern 

Once this occurs, it is then a true Jewish nation

Shabtsi the law you tout is a foreign (infected) law and should be corrected, not applied to Israelis and Israeli Land.

Netanyahu created the fuse that lit the protestors fire when he stated loudly that Talmudic law will be part of the judicial overhaul  [possibly this was his way of actually preventing it, and creating the anti-element to fight against the more Jewish rightist members of the govt]

Giving the national security minister the position to combat “anti-Incitement”  appears to actually be pitting him (stoking the fire) against the police commissioner who is ALSO creating the same position manned by his police officers (trained in the same foreign legal concepts). Is this not a powder keg waiting for ignition?

Ben-Gvir to lead anti-incitement task force

PM Netanyahu announces National Security Minister to head team to combat the incitement which led to recent terrorist murders.

Police commissioner orders establishment of special team to deal with incitement

The team will work in cooperation with other enforcement and security agencies and deal with incitement to violence on "social media and any other media and platform”. [could this include blogs?]

1 comment:

moshe said...

Let's be honest. The politicians all play this game - all for power and not for the benefit of the people.
There is only one benefit for the Jewish people in our holy Eretz Yisrael and that is TORAH LAW! There is no greater freedom than the freedpm that comes from Hashem's Torah because there is only purity therein and everyone benefits!

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