12 February 2023



Ben-Gvir Slammed After Ordering Military Operation In Wake Of Ramot Attack

After Ben-Gvir held a meeting at the Jerusalem District Police headquarters in the wake of the attack, his office stated that the operation will already be launched on Sunday “to deal with the nests of terrorism in East Jerusalem.” 

Decisions on Operation Protective Wall 2 are not made by the statement of this or that minister on some sidewalk,” the official said. “Ben-Gvir’s statement was not known to us.” "The official added that a preliminary investigation shows that the terrorist is mentally ill and was released from a psychiatric hospital only days before the attack. He added that Netanyahu’s position is that there is no reason to take collective punishment measures against the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem in response to the attack, especially since Israel is hoping to calm the area ahead of Ramadan and Passover. 'There are operational steps that can and should be taken even in the face of a single threat but this should be carried out in a balanced way,' the official said. 'There is a broad public in East Jerusalem that does not commit terrorist attacks. We want all Israeli citizens to be able to enjoy the freedom of worship during Ramadan and Passover.’ "

Not backing down: Ben-Gvir determined to launch operation in eastern Jerusalem
Ben-Gvir intends to present his demands, which include a total lockdown of the Isawiya neighborhood, to the security cabinet on Sunday.

Former Israel Police Commissioner ...blasts National Security Minister for announcing an “Operation Defensive Shield 2” in E Jerusalem.

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Maybe the old comfortable STATUS QUO just isn’t a sufficient endeavor against those murderers? We are being victimized in a new Palestinian Plan to thwart the Govt’s judicial reset! Are they working in conjunction with leftist war mongerers and Jew haters! You know the ones who disgracefully chant and bang drums and blow horns [like those crusaders who attacked Jews in European shtetels? Looks like the same insanity] to disrupt the PM and everyone else. They’re at it again. Remember those riots called demonstrations against Netanyahu in Jerusalem a few years ago? We don’t forget their indecency.

*Israel National News › News Briefs

1 comment:

הגאולה משיח said...

אם נתעורר!!! משיח בפסח ניגאל תשפ״ג !!!- הרב מאיר שמואלי שליט"א עם מסרים מצדיקים (אח של הרב בניהו שמואלי שליט"א המקובלים נהר שלום)

מתחילים 8:00

משיח בפסח ניגאל תשפ״ג !!!- הרב מאיר שמואלי שליט"א עם מסרים מצדיקים

הרב מאיר שמואלי שליט"א עם מסרים מצדיקים (אח של הרב בניהו שמואלי שליט"א)

אמן כן יהי רצון ביאת משיח צדקנו ברחמים גדולים גאולה שלמה לכל עם ישראל הקדוש אמן כן יהי רצון תיקון המידות אהבת חינם אחדות עם ישראל ערבות הדדית גשמי ברכה שנת חקלאות כל היהודים שיעלו לארץ הקודש במהרה אמן כן יהי רצון שנה טובה ומתוקה שבוע מבורך לכל עם ישראל הקדוש 🙏🙏🙏🙏

פסח תשפ״ג של מוצאי שמיטה עת רצון ענקית יהי רצון ה׳ יזכה אותנו

לא רוצים בפסח תשפ״ג רוצים עכשיו!!!

.היום! אם בקולו תשמעו

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