27 February 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Asher Weiss Says he Supports Forcing Injections and Refuses to Discuss it

A few people were confused by my claim that I was assaulted when I confronted Asher Weiss.  One irrational apikorus who really should stay quiet even claimed that I was a liar.  Although I was not violently attacked (for better or for worse) someone came up from behind and shoved me to separate me from Weiss.  There was physical contact and it was threatening.  What some people had in mind is battery, but my description of what occurred as assault is accurate.  Look it up.

There are good people out there doing heroic work.  This secret recording was just shared with me:

In 2020 a concerned citizen managed to have a brief meeting with Asher Weiss.  He shared (or at least tried to share) information about how vaccines were being falsely portrayed as far safer than they actually are, and expressed the entirely reasonable view that people should not be forced to take medical treatments under false pretenses or against their will.  (I will add that the number of people compensated in court for injuries is surely a far cry from the number of people actually injured. The whole premise of linking "safety" to the number of injured people who go through an obstacle course and manage to win a judgment is absurd — definitely not "scientific".)

Weiss pretended to be interested in the material, but refused to discuss it, and displayed the trademark condescending, authoritarian posture that befits no rabbi, let alone one who claims sovereignty over what drugs go into our bodies. 

The visitor asked Weiss point blank if he supports mandating (forcing) people to take vaccines, and Weiss replied in the affirmative, with an empty, virtue-signaling remark about benefiting others to justify this tyrannical, utterly terrifying position.  

Of course, any rabbi with a bit of knowledge and the courage to be honest will tell you that the Torah does not give a central authority the power to force anyone to undergo a medical treatment — all of which have potential dangers — to benefit others (assuming such a calculation is even a practical reality, not mere speculation).  The Torah allows us, and sometimes obligates us, to undergo medical treatments only to benefit the individual receiving the treatment.

Weiss is such an extremist about vaccines and forcing everyone to take them that he gave his visitor a patronizing blessing: he should be successful in all he does except  convincing people not to take vaccines.  The short meeting was then shut down.

It should be very clear that Asher Weiss does not serve the Jewish people nor does he represent the Torah.  He works for the establishment.  His role is not to educate and inform people, to guide the community with integrity and genuine concern, but to charm the sheep into compliance and bully the rest.

The way Asher Weiss carries himself and relates to those who approach him is very dark and disturbing.  The fact that he is educated and scholarly does not make him a great rabbi; it makes him especially dangerous.

*   *   *

The person who met Weiss made reference to an event in Brooklyn in 2019.  The Yeshiva World "reported" on this event as follows:

William Handler Set To Make ANOTHER Chillul Hashem at Anti-Vaxxer Event in Flatbush

TOTAL BLOWOUT: 50 Anti-Vaxxers Show Up To Flatbush Event, 1,300 Empty Chairs

This "news site" that supposedly caters to "frum" Jews then published a chilling personal threat to anyone who dared attend this event:

Message To All Those Attending Anti-Vaxxer Event in Flatbush Tonight: DRESS NICELY

The same threat was published on Matzav here.

As the visitor to Asher Weiss noted, their claim that the event was nearly empty was a complete lie, the likes of which we have become accustomed to in the covid era.

I will note that these two propaganda sites, which are cesspools of poison that no frum Jew should patronize, are run by anonymous individuals.  If they had to be personally accountable, I wonder if they would be such big shots; more likely, they would have to be more subtle in contaminating the community, like Mishpacha Magazine.

There is no excuse for frum Jews to patronize "media" sites such as these or advertise with them.  

Stand for something.  You really can make a difference.


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Asher Weiss says he supports forcing injections and refuses to discuss it :

1 comment:

Maoz said...

That post linked at the phrase "who really should stay quiet" -- "The five facts you need to know about covid."

Wellllll...that post certainly didn't age very well, did it? If only its author had looked at the whole situation *rationally* 😉 back then, he might not seem so foolish now.

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