25 February 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Straight Talk From Hashem . . .

 . . . and a Loving Embrace + Must-See Material

can't tell you that my own class is a must-listen, but what Zecharya had to say tonight is a must-listen: Straight Talk From Hashem and a Loving Embrace

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Speaking of must-listens:

I was privileged to be there in person, though I had nothing to do with the interview itself. Even though it's long, you'll wish there was more. 
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And now for things you need to see from the sitra achara.

This propaganda video was created by a “frum” woman in conjunction with the CDC to target Orthodox children in Rockland County.  On the one hand, this is super creepy. On the other hand, it's so bad, if she was a mole from our side trying to sabotage THEM for a change, she couldn't do better!  It was taken down from YouTube, not for misinformation, of course, but due to a copyright claim.  Ha!

See a thread from supporters of the propaganda on Linkedin hereand an article about it on CNN here (what nachas). 

I've received some interesting information about Shoshana Bernstein, the creator of this video.  See an email exchange between her, Rochelle Walensky of the evil, corrupt CDC, the CNN operative, and government officials here.  

Isn't it lovely that "frum" Jews are working hand in hand with some of the most heretical agencies and people on earth to manipulate our children?
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But they couldn't do it without the help of wicked rabbis and corrupted "frum" organizations.  Here is actual kefira from Asher Weiss, in conjunction with Hatzoloh, Chai Lifeline, and the CDC/government snakes for whom they work.

What are you going to do about it?  

Pesach is only a few weeks away.  Time to do a massive house cleaning.
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The world is an increasingly precarious place.  There is only one country in the world that is 100% guaranteed to get through whatever is coming with Hashem's miraculous salvation.  There is also only one country in the world that many Jews bend over backwards making excuses for not living there. Interesting, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the facade, the sheker of this woman calling herself 'frum'. These are amaleikim in their imposter mode. Apparently, the amaleikin were notorious for being imposters and that's what we see today more than ever. So-called 'religious Jews' who for sure have no Jewish neshamot.
By now, if there are still those of our people who are so uninformed, they must be hiding in caves. They should know better.

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