04 September 2022

Sodom and Gomorah!

 Amiram Ben Luiel was returned to the tiny, dark solitary cell yesterday that was home for the last two years. He is serving three life sentences.

Labeled a terrorist by the mainstream media and the other "elites" that run the country, there was a quiet sigh of relief by them yesterday.
(Their)  The supreme court rejected Amiriam's lawyer's appeal six months ago. After half a year of "deliberation", the three judges declared that Amiram did in fact carry out the arson/murder of three Arabs in  Duma village in Samaria three years ago.

In short, the police and prosecution brought ZERO evidence against Amiram.

AMIRAM  , wife, and baby daughter lived on a hilltop near Duma; they were hated (by the secular post-Zionis elites" )"hilltop youth.
With his flowing sidelocks and large knitted skull cap, living in a tiny shack on a barren hill, his was the perfect profile for the round-up of usual suspects, including minors.
The police and secret service ( the  "Jewish" section) got their green light from the state attorney and the court to torture the hilltop youth to get their confession.
Torture is illegal in Israel except in instances of a "ticking bomb" that is where there is a concern for an immediate attack that will cost innocent lives.
This clause was employed to torture the hated strange-looking men with the flowing sidelocks and large kippa.

With no evidence produced against them one of the minors was tortured for days and nights. The savage attacks on his body and soul only ceased when he agreed to say what they wanted to hear.
He pointed a finger at Amiram.
Again, with no evidence, they threw him in a maximum security jail and the courts sentenced him to three life terms.
Amiram is locked in for 23 hours a day of isolation. He may not even embrace his little daughter on the infrequent visiting day. Compare that with the laughable conditions of  Arab mass murderers of Jews.

It is interesting to note that houses in Duma have been torched before and after Amiram was arrested.
I wonder which Jewish terrorist is responsible for those?

This glaring abuse of power  -  of Sodom and Gomorrah proportions begs explanation.

One of my teachers, Moshe Feiglin, commented;

The elites of Israel insist that this country is "one of all its citizens" and not firstly a Jewish one.
If all the terrorists were Arab then it would shine an unwelcome light on the fact that there is indeed a National/Religious conflict where Arabs are on one side and Jews on the other. For the "elites" and advocates of a secular non-national state, there is no place for  Jew - Arab identities and national struggles or religious allegiances. That would totally spoil their post-Zionist, post-modern vision.
If all the terrorists were Arab that would be an uncomfortable reminder of our own identity as Jews. We don't want that!
What is the solution?
Define terror as not an Arab versus Jew phenomenon but an "equal opportunity" form of violence that runs through all of society - the society of all its citizens It is just another social problem, not a national one because there is no nation.

If all the terrorists were Arabs killing Jews that would stress the Jewish nature of the state and the Arab identity of those who oppose a Jewish state.  A  Jewish state  - such an unpleasant sound..! We are beyond that, say the elites.

Amiram is the perfect victim to be used  to prove that terror is not a "sectoral problem"
He looks different, lives in isolation is not well known, and is not in the field of vision or  "consensus" of Israel society
He has no powerful friends and with his unashamed Jewish look is the perfect poster boy for the Jewish terrorist they need.

The elites would like to describe terror as a  social malaise and not a national threat.
Anyone can be a terrorist. Nothing Arab or Jewish about it.
Thus the danger of Jewish identity is overcome.
Mission accomplished.

May Hashem save Amiram and his poor family from the clutches of evil.

My book, "Jews, Israelis,, and Arabs shed light on our situation today in the Jewish state.


Esser Agaroth said...

Parshath Shofetim: Where is the Justice in the High Court of Justice?

לאה said...

Yes. Parshat Shoftim of all times. Torah says YOU NEED 2 WITNESSES and not one can be the defendant himself. How far from Torah we have gone.

Neshama said...

Very good Leah, it was a farce like the Dreifus and Beilus Affairs. PURE ANTISEMITISM

Anonymous said...

H' Yerachem on Amiram ben Uliel! He needs our tefilot!
We must never forget these ??? are the Erev Rav. Nothing more needs to be said. Our Sages have forewarned us of them and our Torah explicitly tells us of them. May H' show His Rachamim al Yisrael and brings us the Geulah Shleimah miyad!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

How far from the Torah have we gone? Secular kids do not even know how to say Shema. They are not taught our most basic tefilah. The elites need a scapegoat to demonstrate to the world that we punish our "Jewish terrorists." But the travesty they have caused, and now cemented by the court of jokers, otherwise known as the supreme (sic) court is recorded Above. In the days when there was yirat Shamayim, dayaniim were very nervous to issue a pshat for fear that it was incorrect. They understood the impact it has on their future (Above). Let them suck all the nectar from this world, because they are selling their place in the next world. BTW, even the Arabs in Duma opposed the verdict. They told a completely different story of what took place. Not that the truth matters to anyone today.

Neshama said...

Gavriella, pls send a link to an article or otherwise about what the Arabs knew. I’m working on something with someone else to help him.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Neshama, you'll need to dig up the early news articles and also those from the time of the trial when Arabs came to testify. Sorry, but my schedule is absolutely full! My husband fell from the ladder and broke both his feet, so I am a caretaker, working full-time and tending to the house and garden. My only free time is when I'm sleeping! But you should be able to easily find them. Just go back to the dates when it happened. Also I think Hineni has some useful data and info.

Neshama said...

REFUAH SHLEIMA, what’s his Hebrew name pls ben .....?

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