04 September 2022

Rabbi Green – Just Be You

It's time to embrace your TRUE identity

*The clothes you wear don’t define you.
The car you drive doesn’t define you.
The house you live in doesn’t define you.
Your assets and ‘net worth’ don’t define you.
Your preferred identity doesn't define you.
Your pronouns – real or imagined – don’t define you.
Your sex – real or imagined – doesn’t define you.
The color of your skin doesn’t define you.
Your DNA doesn’t define you.
None of your physical features define you.
The govt & media can’t define you.
Society doesn’t get to define you.

You are undefinable.

You are created in the image of the undefinable Living God Who creates all.

Your worth is infinite.

Your existence is an expression of God’s infinite power.

At your essence, your personhood transcends all other superficial aspects of your identity, including your sex.

The reason many have become so obsessed with “gender identity” dysphoria is because sex has been tragically objectified. The BODY has been tragically objectified and the Divine soul has been all but forgotten.

Your innermost soul is a part of God from above. God is all-transcendent.

If anything about your body, physique, genitalia, etc., seem foreign to you, it’s that way by DESIGN.

All those physical and earthly features ARE foreign to you. They don’t define you.

The true You is Divine and not of this world. The true You transcends “male” or “female.”

Once you make peace with that reality, then nothing of this world should disturb your quintessential sense of self.

Yes, your body might be relatively shorter than some other bodies, or your waist size might be wider than some other waists. Birds can fly and your body cannot. Women’s bodies can give birth and your body cannot. But that’s irrelevant.

Your soul is GIANT and towers above all existence. Your spiritual composition is PERFECT.

Your soul can SOAR. Your spirit can beget and nurture spiritual offspring.

Your soul possesses both “male” and “female” spiritual qualities. Your soul is both a “giver” and a “receiver,” both transcendent and imminent.

Your body – exactly as it is – is an expression of a perfect Creator Who doesn’t make mistakes.

Width, height, genitalia, genes, possessions, etc., are all objective realities in this mortal world, but they are IMMATERIAL with regards to your true self-worth.

You MATTER. You matter infinitely.

Your mortal existence is NOT a mistake. Your body’s size (etc.) is beautiful, and is far superior to any other body’s physical qualities… for YOU, since your Divine Creator imbued your soul within a body that has those precise physical qualities.

Please stop obsessing about silly distractions and focus on your awesome Divine mission.

It’s time to embrace your true identity, a part of God from above that transcends all mortal qualities and definitions.

Love yourself – your TRUE self – unconditionally.

Thank you for being you.

When you will be you, and I will be me, together we will redeem humanity.

 [editorial adjustment: first few lines omitted]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doubt if all the above makes a dent in those who really have no neshamot.

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