19 September 2022

Moles and Mosrim – Part 4.1

If you missed the previous parts in this series, they are available on Dangerous Docs as follows: Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 

Part 5 will be sent out later this week, and I anticipate there will be two more parts in the series.  In part 7 I will share the complete list of "partners" in the Boro Park Jewish Community Council's Partner Engagement Plan.  The real question is: what is the community going to do about these revelations?  Will heads roll and things really change, or will people cluck their tongues and just move on?  What are YOU going to do?

Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part Four

On March 23, 2022 there was a third meeting between representatives from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), the Boro Pork Jewish Community Council (BPJCC), the Boro Park Y (BPY), and the Jewish Orthodox Women's Medical Association (JOWMA). The main order of business, as usual, was conspiring to infiltrate the Orthodox Jewish world with culturally tailored "vaccine" propaganda.

The meeting started, as always, with a detailed breakdown of "vaccination" rates based on zip codes, age, and ethnicity. These government representatives and their operatives on the ground are obsessed with race and targeting populations with tailored propaganda based on race – all in the name of fighting racism. They could rebrand hell as heaven and sell tickets for it, too.

The rest of the meeting was taken over by JOWMA. JOWMA's official mission as stated on its tax forms is "To support and advance the careers of religious Jewish female physicians through educational, networking and mentoring opportunities." That little cover story doesn't stand up to a moment's scrutiny. JOWMA's real mission is to infiltrate the Orthodox Jewish world with vaccine propaganda and messages that are antithetical to the Torah. This is pretty much all they do, and the little else they do is mere camouflage. These harsh accusations are substantiated in great detail here.

Indeed, they introduced themselves to their Judenrat colleagues in the meeting as an " organization [that] serves as a network to Jewish physicians and trainees [and] also does outreach and education to the orthodox Jewish community".

What sort of "outreach" does JOWMA do to their supposed co-religionists? What gaping need is JOWMA purporting to fill in the Orthodox world? What gives them the authority to "educate" the Orthodox world about anything – including medical matters – and who nominated them to collaborate with the government on this enterprise? Who funds them, and why?

We are not supposed to ask these questions. They are Jewish! And Orthodox! And women! They speak in the name of Judaism and science! How can we suspect them of impropriety?

This is a good time to remind readers that JOWMA has more open homosexuals on its board than rabbis (zero of the latter, to be exact).

Yet, somehow, the "O" in their acronym – their mere self-identification as an Orthodox group – has been sufficient cover for this shady front group to cross the checkpoints. Their advertisements are welcome in "religious" media with supposedly strict guidelines against improper content. They conduct programming within the Orthodox world as if they are a genuine part of it. All because they call themselves Jewish and Orthodox, and dubiously dress the part.

JOWMA continued their presentation with "special considerations" for the government and their Judenrat in order to successfully target Orthodox Jews with propaganda. The first was as follows:

"Orthodox Jewish print media is a critical tool for disseminating information – informational must be available regardless of internet access”.

On the surface this seems to be a mere practical consideration: many Orthodox Jews severely curtail their Internet usage or abstain from it completely, so other methods must be deployed to reach them.

But there is something far deeper at play here. Orthodox Jews heavily trust the editors of their "religious" media of choice to screen material – including paid advertisements – to ensure that it is appropriate and "kosher". This is, in fact, the primary reason they subscribe to these publications in the first place.

So for something to appear in Orthodox Jewish print media is, for many people, a de facto stamp of approval. Surely the editors – and the rabbinic authorities who supposedly guide them – would never print something unless it passed a rigorous purity test. Consequently, the discerning Jewish consumer no longer needs to be so discerning. He's in good hands.

This mentality of outsourcing one's religious safekeeping to "trusted experts" has overtaken almost all aspects of Jewish society. Our grandmothers kashered their own chickens. Today everything is neatly prepared for us, and we just need to look for whatever kosher symbol is supposedly "the best". What makes one better than the next is anyone's guess, and it's best not to probe; we might have very few options left.

We used to teach our own children, or directly hire and supervise the people responsible for doing so on our behalf. Today we beg yeshivos to accept our children and make good little cookie cutters out of them. After hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition, the average Orthodox Jewish child is likely to emerge illiterate, confused, and disaffected, but the do-it-yourself option is too inconvenient and socially unacceptable. Besides, the people in charge know best.

And, of course, we have to outsource all our personal decision-making to religious authorities who are presumed to speak with divine inspiration. We are instructed to spend a great portion of our time learning Torah, yet we derive little to no practical use from it; the benefits of Torah study, at least for all but the elite, are strictly spiritual in nature. We are stymied from making even the simplest decisions based on our learning, or even questioning religious leaders who seem to contradict elementary teachings.

We are urged to learn, but we are not allowed to know anything. Just to follow instructions.

[continued in Part 4.2]

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