14 September 2022

Rabbi Kessin – A Deeper Insight Into the Death of Queen Elizabeth UPDATE

End of the Malchus of Eisav
R Eliezer said the Geula in Tishrei
Yosef HaTzaddik released on R”H [MBY decree ends on R”H]
R”H Shmitta ends = Mashiach comes at the end of Shmitta [8th year
The Year of Geula  תשפ'ג [parnassah gedula]
The Zohar says a Double Rainbow appears before Mashiach

UPDATE:  PS Rabbi Kessin, I think the double rainbow (and the black one over Balmoral), indicate that TWO OF THE GANG OF EISAV (Russia, UK) ARE BROUGHT DOWN [King Charles III will not be there too long], leaving only the US with its future due for a revamping! 

It was then-Prince Charles who coined the term "The Great Reset" at the beginning of the Scamdemic.

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