15 September 2022

Rabbi Weissman – Amalek and Erev Rav #51

Steve Rodan, "In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany"

This week's Torah class: Prepare to meet your G–D.

Episode 51 of my Root and Branch program on Amalek and the Erev Rav is available here.  I spoke with Steve Rodan, co-author of In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963.  This book contains nearly 600 pages of information about what the title implies, supported by 150 pages of sources for all the footnotes.  The book is not an interpretation of history.  It's the history we were never taught, because the people in power hijacked the narrative and buried the truth.

If you are willing to accept the possibility that the same people who lied about covid and the covid shots, who lied about the Yemenite children affair, who lied about Gush Katif, and who lied about so many other things also lied about the Zionist relationship with Germany, then you should listen to this interview and read the book.

If you are not willing to accept this possibility because it's just too much, don't be miffed at covid zombies.  To each their own cognitive dissonance.


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