29 September 2022



“Donald Trump was providential. He’s a blunt force trauma armor piercing shell.” – Steve Bannon

If you are the opponents of Donald Trump you must be thinking what in the heck is going on? Does this man not understand the word former?

Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama….every single one of them eventually faded publicly, some a little more than others but for the most part they checked out.

Donald Trump is anything but checked out. In fact, you get the sense he is everywhere all at the same time. He’s issuing statements left and right on every conceivable topic 

from raids, rigging, audits, borders, endorsements, and a host of other topics. We’re talking about a former President who has one more rally coming up in the next week after just completing his 26th since the 2020 election. This guy seems like he is everywhere still to this very day. Is this how a former President conducts himself? When I think of Donald J. Trump the last word that comes to mind is former. Regardless of your position on his actual status politically there is no arguing his presence has never been stronger.

But why is he doing this? And I am not looking for all the common answers:

  • Because the election was stolen
  • Because the real insurrection was November 3rd, 2020
  • Because Biden can’t be president
  • Because the commies are trying to take over

I get it. All those things are true and I don’t want to diminish the importance of any of them. But none of those statements answer that one simple question. Why is he doing this? He is doing this because there was, is, and has always been a plan. Just watch, look, and listen.

In my recent 6 part Substack series Flight 1745 we cover a range of happenings within the Donald Trump geo-political sphere that will either confirm your suspicions, enhance you understanding, or flat out surprise you in ways that are both encouraging and thought provoking. Often times we spend so many cycles on what ‘they’ did when we should be spending far more time on what is being done right before our eyes by what the history books will call ‘The Heroes of the Trump Era’.

And don’t kid yourself. That is precisely what we are experiencing, a ‘Trump Era’. The definition around era is open to interpretation, but for example purposes let’s say it’s 10 or more years. I believe the Trump era when all is said and done will likely have lasted from 2015-2030. From the moment he came down the escalator until at least 2 years into the term of whomever follows him after he leaves office at the end of 2028. The first two years of a new administration is often a reflection of both the incoming and outgoing administration and the current administration is a picture perfect example. I am quite sure that even many democrats are looking back at the first Trump term with ever-growing fondness. (continue)

More at…

RtS – The Power Pen | Richard The Saint | Substack


Providence Meaning (Oxford): 

"the protective care of G-d or of nature as a spiritual power;
"G-d or nature as providing protective or spiritual care;” and/or
"timely preparation for future eventualities

Providential:  occurring at a favorable time; opportune; involving divine foresight or intervention

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