29 September 2022

Rabbi Weissman – Moles and Mosrim Part 6.0

Attached below is a further expose of the Rabbinical Council of Baltimore, the Baltimore Bikur Cholim, and related Judenrat who distorted the Torah to push Covid propaganda on those they were supposed to protect.  The author is a Torah scholar in the community, and this is shared with permission.  Please read and share widely.  People need to know and they need to rebel against the corrupt leadership.

Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part Six

The April 6 meeting concluded with a discussion. Avi Greenstein, President of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC) shared that they were “in talks with SIJCC (Staten Island Jewish Community Council) to collaborate on programming for youth/children“ and that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) “has also linked SIJCC to Project Hospitality, another CDG (Covid Disparity Grant) partner.”

Programming for children, or programming the children?

We have a glimpse here of the incestuous web of recipients of government payoffs collaborating on indoctrinating the Jewish community. One wonders if these various organizations ever worked so closely on anything else. The common goal of benefiting the community never seems to bring Jewish leaders together as did the common goal of receiving government prize money. Partners indeed.

David Rubel, the freelance consultant who was working for the DOHMH, reported “that there has been some pushback/resistance from community members when implementing community conversations”. He further noted that “community members want to be more reliant on anti-bodies / natural immunity than the vaccine.”

Despite the richly funded, meticulously planned efforts to convince them otherwise, many people in the community did not believe that the Covid shot was the only reasonable option, let alone a reasonable option at all.

In fact, it seems the propaganda campaign had hit a wall. A subsequent meeting on May 4, 2022 began with the obligatory “data review” of certain heavily Orthodox zip codes:

o 11230: 59% of all residents are fully vaccinated

o 11219: 53% of all residents are fully vaccinated

These figures were unchanged from the ones reported at the April 6 meeting, where they had reported a slight increase from the previous month, and a significant increase from the beginning of the “contract start date” in December. But now the progress had completely stalled.

Just like the “vaccines” they were promoting, the propaganda had limited benefits which wore off quickly. They needed a boost.

The DOHMH then shared “Qualitative findings: barriers to vaccination“, which included the following concerns:

▪ Efficacy of the vaccine

▪ Efficacy of treatment

▪ Effects on fertility

These concerns were most reasonable from day one, and they were only substantiated since then. Even the most enthusiastic cheerleaders for the shots had to admit that their “efficacy” was nowhere near what had originally been advertised. The shots did not prevent people getting sick, they did not prevent people from spreading Covid, whatever protection they afforded was short-lived, and they did not protect against new “variants”.

Of course, the “scientific” response was to change the definition of “vaccine” so these shots would still qualify (after all, we need to be more inclusive) and double down on Covid shots for everyone, every few months, forever. If people were taking these shots and still getting sick, the problem wasn't with the shot; it was with the people who refused to take it.

The DOHMH then shared the following “other community concerns”:

▪ Mental health, stress, insomnia

▪ Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies

▪ Allergies

▪ Blood pressure

▪ Losing virtual services

▪ Rent prices increasing

It's unclear why this information was shared, because these concerns were not reciprocated or given any further attention. After this brief interruption with real physical, emotional, and economic problems that the community had shared with intelligence-gathering Judenrat, the government agents immediately returned to pushing Covid shots. Most likely these “other concerns” only interested the DOHMH and company to the extent that they could leverage this information to pretend to care about the people, and then introduce “vaccine” propaganda.

David Rubel, the consultant who was helping the BPJCC strategize their propaganda campaign, then shared an “important nuance: It’s not that people are anti-vaccine, they just believe they are already protected [through natural immunity/anti-bodies]”.

Did the DOHMH concede this perfectly legitimate point, that many people had little need for a vaccine, even assuming it worked as advertised and didn't come with a host of serious risks and unknowns?

Does a motivated sales agent tell people they have no need for the product?

Dr. Olusimbo Ige of the DOHMH had a better idea: convince everyone that their reasons for not taking the shots were unfounded. Most doctors these days specialize in treating specific conditions or parts of the body, and it seems Dr. Ige's specialty is the brain. Washing it, to be precise.

(continued 6.5)

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