19 September 2022

Moles and Mosrim – Part 4.2

 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part Four [continued from 4.1]

This is why JOWMA and their ilk could bombard the Orthodox Jewish media with primitive propaganda for years on end without furious backlash toward anyone involved. The editors approved the ads, with the blessing and close supervision of impeccable rabbis, so the message must be fine.

Live in terror of Covid. Do whatever the authorities say. Most of all, take the shots.

The entire system conditions Orthodox Jews to be helpless, mindless prey.

The other "special considerations" were far more insidious: "Intergenerational trauma and the Holocaust is a factor in the potential lack of trust in government-funded services and resources. Rabbinic and non-Rabbinic community leadership and individual healthcare are the most trusted. Awareness of community values and vulnerabilities."

The Jews generally knew better than to trust German soldiers in black uniforms, which is why Judenrat were indispensable to the smooth running of the extermination, from start to finish. We learned to say “Never again”, which is why Judenrat continue to be indispensable (some lessons didn't sink in). JOWMA identified rabbis, doctors, and community leaders as the people Jews trust the most, and therefore these people would be recruited as Judenrat.

What's remarkable is not the strategy – it's an obvious one – but how glibly they could propose it. Let's just get rabbis, doctors, and community leaders to carry the government's water. No problem. Piece of cake.

Furthermore, JOWMA's attitude toward rabbis is the height of hubris, though not unjustified. From its very inception in April 2019, they usurped the role of rabbis by issuing halachic declarations in the press and even lobbied rabbis to rescind previous statements about vaccines.

How in the world did they get away with this?

The real outrage is not that they infiltrated the Orthodox world with vile propaganda, but that it was so easy. Rabbis and community leaders were thrilled to outsource their responsibilities and function as mouthpieces for heretical government authorities.  Their only cognitive involvement would be to kasher it up with rhetoric disguised as Torah. 

Three years later JOWMA was sharing everything they learned with the government and their fellow collaborators at the BPJCC.

They shared their “lessons from the 2019 Measles outbreak response”, which, contrary to JOWMA's stated purpose, was their first order of business upon creation. Suspicions that this outbreak was a planned trial run for Covid, an intelligence-gathering operation before the big one, are most reasonable.

JOWMA also noted their massive advertising blitz (paid for by whom?) and “partnership with Orthodox Union E-blast”.

Why did the Orthodox Union partner with JOWMA, a nascent group that was Orthodox in name only? We are forced to ask at this point if the Orthodox Union itself is Orthodox in name only. After all, when one “partner” tests positive for heresy and corruption, everyone they came into contact with must be isolated as well.

Considering how the OU pushed Covid propaganda, dutifully distorting the Torah to justify it, the question is merely rhetorical. Outsourcing kashrus seems like a worse idea with each passing minute.

JOWMA then noted that “Anti-vaxxer organizations are also in full force”. As we noted previously, these “organizations” of concerned citizens with no funding and the deck stacked against them should have been no match for the government and its horde of influential collaborators.

“JCC suggests considering shifting focus more towards elderly populations within these resistant communities”. Why would they pick on the elderly? Most likely because the elderly are more worried about their health, more dependent on doctors and others, and more easily duped.

They were easy targets. And they could be exploited to weaken “resistance” in other parts of the community.

Elder abuse at the highest levels of government and community leadership.

JOWMA also noted that they would be “applying for VEPE funding”. This stands for Vaccine Equity Partner Engagement, which is mumbo-jumbo for payoffs to push Covid shots. A fine example of propaganda from this funding targeting Harlem residents can be found here.

We make fun of Chinese propaganda. How could that stuff work? How could people be so stupid? Then we see a picture of someone who resembles us, with a dumbed-down quote and a feel-good message, and we take the cheap bait.

This was right up JOWMA's alley, and they were happy to share tips and tricks with the BPJCC.

Because when it comes to waging war on the Jewish people, there are no rivalries.

To be continued.


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The following column was published in the most recent issue of Mishpacha magazine, which for the last two years has been jam-packed with Covid propaganda.

I emailed the author as follows:

Way too little, way too late. Mishpacha collaborated with the government and Judenrat at the Boro Park Jewish Community Council to propagandize.  Articles like this are what's known as covering one's tuchus.  

Where is the acknowledgement of all the people who were saying all this and so much more for the past 2 years, who were censored and mocked?  Where is the apology and soul-searching?  You write as if this information only just now came to light, because rags like the New York Times wrote about it.  

The article also has fundamental factual errors. Covid is not "an airborne, highly contagious respiratory virus, with many asymptomatic carriers."  And it's laughable the way you chose Obama, of all people, to lean on at the end.  

This article is just more propaganda, an attempt to appear cutting edge and honest after Mishpacha spent two years leading Jews to harm.  I hope people cancel their subscriptions to Mishpacha and put them out of business, though that doesn't even begin to recompense the crimes they committed against the Jewish people in exchange for blood money.  

You played along and kept your column, but what did you give up?

End of email.

The author replied, but failed to address the main point.  Instead, he mocked me for being single, said I have an anger management problem, and gave me an F for reading comprehension.  Those are all impressive rejoinders, but not relevant to the matter at hand, and, personally, I believe I deserve at least a D. 

When people engage in such tactics, don't take their bait, but hammer home the main point.  I replied as follows:

If all you can resort to are rambling, barely coherent personal attacks, you'd have been better off not responding at all.  It's the stuff of leftists, which is ironic and amusing, though not surprising.

The fact remains that many, many people were shouting all this from the rooftops for more than two years, and you write as if your article is a hot take.  These people were defamed, censored, and abused...and you have nothing to say about that.  You should be ashamed of yourself.

End of email.

Coincidentally, part 5 of this series will have some interesting information about Mishpacha and their connection to the BPJCC's propaganda campaign.  

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