13 September 2022

Ode to a Queen

. . . Who Wasn't

Trigger warning: this post will likely disturb fans of the late “queen"

End of an Era? Perhaps, but please hear me out:

I don't pay deference to "preferred pronouns" that aren't based on objective reality.

Likewise, I don't recognize titles that aren't objectively accurate.

Consequently, I don’t refer to a certain dead individual as "queen," nor will I ever refer to her amoral son as "king."

Not only is she not my queen. She’s nobody’s queen. They may call her queen or whatever they like, but it has no meaning.

Nor will I ever refer to this degenerate family as "royal." Instead, they are super-wealthy mobsters who pivot their assets to wield sinister control over the world’s population, along with the Vatican and another few trillionaire families who have unjustly consolidated most of the world’s wealth.

The dead individual’s late husband was a self-proclaimed eugenicist, as is her son.

This corrupt family is notorious for the grave injustices it perpetrated for generations.

Concerning one who commits Molekh worship and human sacrifice (which incidentally numerous members of the “royal family” are alleged to engage in), the Torah states: “I shall set My attention upon that man and upon his family and cut him off...” (Leviticus 5:5). Our sages taught: What did his family sin? Answer: there is no family that has a villainous robber in it which aren’t all villainous robbers, because they all cover up for their villainous relative’s crimes.” (Rashi ibid, Torath Kohanim 20:95; Shevuoth 39a).

Bereft of any executive or administrative powers, the so-called queen was no leader. Her role consisted of ceremonious formalities.

Some might counter that she was a symbol of British sovereignty, and that she consequently deserves respect accorded to a sovereign, but even this assumption is false. Britain has no true sovereignty.

It’s true that our sages exhort us to “pray for the welfare of sovereign government” (Avot 3:2), but alas, these criminals are not “sovereign” by any objective definition, and they have no right to govern.

There is no "sovereignty" here. None of the countries that form the British Commonwealth are sovereign states, nor is the “independent” United States. According to Torah law, nearly all contemporary governments are illegitimate, since they no longer mint coins of actual monetary value. Modern currency is nothing more than arbitrary tokens that serve as promissory notes to private bankers. (The so-called “Federal Reserve” is not federal and has no reserves.)

All such governments, including the UK, US, et al, have no legitimacy in Torah law. Such states aren’t sovereign. Maimonides rules that these ruling powers are nothing more than bands of “armed robbers. Their laws aren’t laws. Such a ‘king’ and all his servants are robbers concerning ALL matters.” [Mishneh Torah, Laws of Robbery and Loss 5:18]

In fact, the well-coordinated genocidal assault on humanity in the past few years is PRECISELY what our sages were warning us against.

“Pray for the integrity of TRUE sovereignty,” our sages warned, and not for puppet states controlled by super-wealthy “elites,” “because if not for fear of it (i.e. of legitimate authority of REAL sovereignty), a man would swallow his fellow alive.”

Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura comment:s

“Would swallow alive:" As it is written (Habakkuk 1:14) "And you make man like the fish of the sea" - just like the fish of the sea, each one that is bigger than his fellow swallows his fellow; so too people, were it not for the fear of sovereignty, each one who is bigger than his fellow would swallow his fellow (Avodah Zarah 4a).

“A man swallowing his fellows alive” is EXACTLY what’s happening now worldwide. The rogue robber barons who pull the puppet strings of nearly all world governments have exposed their agenda to eliminate the world population – i.e. to commit global genocide – by means of pharmaceutical toxins and other nefarious weapons. Hence all the mandates, censorship, and tyranny.

How do they justify this? It’s simple… they’re the biggest fish in the pond, or so they think.

Consequently, they feel entitled to serve as the “predator class” of humanity in order to “keep the world population in check.”

The so-called “queen” who presided over the eugenics program in her “own” commonwealth in brazen attempt to “swallow” millions of fellow human beings alive, is no queen. She is a duplicitous fraud, as is her puppet government in the UK, and all other puppet governments worldwide who servilely heed their handlers’ bidding.

If she truly were a queen – which she most definitely was not – she’d rank as the bloodiest queen in history, far outflanking her deadly ancestor Bloody Mary.

But of course, she was a queen in name alone, and the UK is a “united kingdom” in name only as well. United Killingdom is more like it. And it’s no “commonwealth.” It’s all about THEIR wealth. Their ill-gotten wealth.

This point cannot be overstated.

It’s an error to compare the illegitimate British “royals” to the Russian Czar, for example.

Notwithstanding his brutal despotism, the czar was a true sovereign with executive powers, and more importantly, he reigned over an actual sovereign empire.

The new “king” of the UK doesn’t reign, nor is he symbolic of any real sovereignty. Instead, he sits at the helm of a super-wealthy family who, together with other super-wealthy families of magnates and robber barons, operate like a nefarious cabal of puppeteers, pulling the puppet strings of governments, media, and mainstream medical institutions, at their whim.

As inept or cruel of a ruler as he may have been, the Russian Czar nevertheless embodied a living expression of sovereignty in this world, a reminder of God’s sovereignty above. The Windsor “monarchs” represent no such ideal of sovereignty. Instead, they symbolize lawlessness, “might makes right,” illegitimate control over the population, unmitigated arrogance, and self-serving entitlement.

The very existence of these pseudo-monarchs painfully reminds us that we are in Edomite exile bereft of true sovereignty.

Let us recall Lord Acton's astute observation concerning this debased family. There is no presumption of innocence with regards to the super wealthy and powerful, he wrote, since power corrupts. The royal family's combined assets are worth trillions, and the “queen” sat at the head of it. It is precisely these depraved trillionaire families (the British “royals,” Rockefeller, et al, and of course the Vatican) who are behind the current program of global genocide. As mentioned, the so-called queen's husband was an outspoken eugenicist as is her morally bankrupt son. They are sociopaths.

There is nothing redeeming about this vile family.

It makes no difference to me how this vaccine-pushing '“queen” may have dressed or comported herself, or whether she was modest, soft-spoken, or well-mannered. This is not even about her personally. It’s about the doomed enterprise she was a significant part of, or at the head of.

Her family are modern-day successors of Amalek actively engaged in a killing spree of the world’s hapless population.

Popular obsession over her and her family amounts to pagan-like personality worship.

I find this utterly detestable.

Instead of admiring the wealth or notoriety of this family of faux royals, we ought to consider the timeless admonition of the Psalmist, King David, a true sovereign of his people:

Don’t be enamored with the evildoers; do not envy those who commit injustice.

Better the little of the righteous, than the abundant wealth of the wicked.

For the strength of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports the righteous.

To the Windsors and their ilk, I say good riddance.

To all the innocent humans suffering under eugenicist tyranny, I pray for freer times in which we will once more have TRUE sovereignty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you!!


Excellently Written!!!!

I agree with every word, written here..

For me, the ONE and ONLY KING is HASHEM !!!!!!

I bow to Hashem only, and no other man or beast!!!

Hashem bless and protect the ones who look to Only You.. and please Hashem bless the person who wrote this, and bless the owner of this blog...



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