22 September 2022

Anti-Semite Hypocrites in Action Again

Someone should “citizen arrest” the men/women who arrested the citizen blowing Shofar! And take them to the Supreme Court!

"The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ruled Monday that it is permitted to blow the shofar and perform religious rituals at the Eastern Wall without interference, rejecting police claims of provocation following the arrests on Sunday of Temple Mount activists for blowing the shofar outside the eastern wall of the Temple Mount."

Ignoring Court Ruling, Police Again Arrest Shofar Blowers Outside Temple Mount

[…]  But on Monday, the courts ruled it’s permitted to blow the shofar and perform religious rituals at the eastern wall, but the three would be barred until 6 am Tuesday from entering the Old City and outside its walls. The police did not appeal the judge’s decision.  Following the court decision a group of shofar blowers decided to return the scene of the crime and the police arrested them

[…] Also detained, but released with a citation was Robert Weinger.  Weinger is considered one of the best shofar blowers in the world. He has to appear at the police station tomorrow. Weinger told that police arrested the group as they were standing outside the Old City’s eastern wall near the cemetery. He was filming at the time for his new film “Let the Shofar Blow in Zion” and was arrested as he was playing Hatikva on his shofar. The policewoman grabbed the shofar away from him. According to Nisani, the detainees intend to urgently appeal with the assistance of attorney Daniel Shamshvili from the “Honenu” organization for contempt of the Court’s decision as well as to claim financial compensation.

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IDF Bans Soldiers from Praying at Homesh. A group of IDF commanders have banned their soldiers from praying in the synagogue at Homesh, the site of the former Jewish community evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza and Northern Samaria. A thriving synagogue and yeshiva were revived and now operate at the site. Now, IDF officers have banned their religious soldiers from praying in the synagogue or even simply alongside those who are staying at the site. The move is one that is intended to prevent complications in the military-civilian relationship, according to IDF Radio-Galei Tzahal’s political correspondent Shachar Glick.

“In one case, the officer even stopped the prayers in the middle and dragged a soldier back to the base who was completing the minyan for residents” at the site, Glick reported Monday in a tweet. The IDF has decided to build a separate synagogue for its soldiers for the upcoming High Holy Days to prevent them from praying with civilians at the site. “While there will be no minyan, at least each of the groups will be able to maintain the Jewish tradition of two synagogues – one to pray in, and one their feet will never set foot in,” Glick added with sarcasm. In response, the IDF said in a statement, “A synagogue is situated at the Homesh Yeshiva. The IDF operates in the area in accordance with state policy directives, and policies of the security forces regarding the evacuated settlement of Homesh have not changed.

“For the benefit of IDF fighters deployed to the area, a synagogue will be built for their future use.”

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At this point in time, this sounds good

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