21 June 2022


 “He causes the wind to blow and the *rain to descend” can be connected to the coming of Moshiach

"Yesterday afternoon, it got very gusty in Jerusalem. 
It’s the kind of wind that signals that something ‘big’ spiritually is going on, 
and it blew and blew for hours …” The Turning Point

I remember that 5-6 o’clock wind gusting down Betzalel toward the midrahov while waiting for a bus in the olden days, before 2019, after which when life started to change.  

It could be quite strong.

So, now we are in the homestretch, toward R”HaShana and Hoshana Rabbah, 

when the nations are judged. 

So be it, as famine and loss of “energies” to cook and heat europe are nil. 

They will be hurting gravely.

American wokeism will doom themselves with their anti-everything life–giving and sustaining. 

They are in a suicide freefall. 

So be it. 

ISRAEL must do a V’Nahapochu to save itself, but those boosted to the hilt are doomed. 

The disappearing souls I hope are redeemed wherever they end up. 

So be it.

HaShem is directing the End of Days on Earth, and quite a spectacular event it has been so far.

So be it. 

What is next to appear on our horizon, we must wait and watch. 

So be it!

North 'tzaphon' means darkness and 'to the left

South 'negev' and 

'yamina' means 'dryness' and 'to the right

west yama' means 'to the sea' and 

East means forwards or the sun rise.


The Four Winds from Meam Loez:

Our Sages teach that four winds blow each day from the four directions.1 

The east wind blows from morning until noon. This brings with it many breezes which bring healing to the world, under the direction of the angel Micha'el.


The west wind blows from noon until nightfall. It brings along breezes which give beauty to growing things, under the direction of the angel Rafa’el.

One may ask that since the east wind brings healing, it should be under the direction of Rafa'el, since he is the angel of healing. But this teaches that everything is in G-d's hand. It is He who sends sickness, and He who provides a cure. One should not depend on any angel, since angels cannot do anything without G-d's permission.


The expected angel is therefore not in charge of the wind associated with healing. One should set his eyes on high, and repent according to the teachings of the Torah. If he has merit, G-d will then send His angel to heal him.


The south wind blows from the beginning of the night, and it brings along many earth breezes which warm its coldness. All these are under the direction of the angel Uri'el. This wind is very harmful to the sick, but in general, it is beneficial for the world. This is also the time when the wicked in purgatory are judged, since everyone is asleep and there are none to pray for them.


The north winds blow from midnight to daybreak, bringing along many breezes. Strongest of all the winds, it is beneficial for the sick, and for this reason, they feel better in the morning. G-d makes it blow before the righteous in Gan Eden, and they smell the sweet fragrance of its trees and herbs.


When the wind blows very strongly, one who hears it should say the blessing:


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', א-לקינו מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם עוֹשֶׂה מַעֲשֶׂה בְּרֵאשִׁית

Baruch Atah Hashem Elokeinu Melech ha’Olam Oseh Ma’aseh Bereishit.

Blessed are You, Hashem, King of the Universe, Who Makes the Works of Creation.


After the north wind blows, the heavens and their host, together with the angels, begin to sing praise before G-d. They are joined by the righteous in Gan Eden.


King David was able to determine the precise moment of midnight. He kept a harp hanging over his bed, and when the north wind would blow on it at midnight, it would wake him up. He would then recite psalms of praise to G-d.


Our Sages also taught us that when the east wind blows, all the other winds are still.2 The north wind also blows with the other daily winds, and without it, the world cold not endure them. Since the north wind is temperate, neither too hot nor too cold, it offsets the effects of the other winds. [Meam Loez, Bereishit, Vol. 1]



1. Zohar Chadash 13a

2. Gittin 31a

* Summer rains expected to hit Israel's beaches

Local rains expected in some areas of Israel, ahead of temperature rise towards weekend. 21.06.22

Following a few weeks of hot, dry summer weather, temperatures in Israel are expected to drop, with light rainfall expected in northern Israel.

Tuesday will be partly cloudy or clear, and temperatures will fall, especially inland and in the mountains, becoming lower than seasonal average. On Tuesday night, there may be light local rainfall, mostly in northern Israel and along the coastline.

Wednesday will be partly cloudy or clear. During the morning hours, there may be light local rainfall in northern Israel and along the coastline. Temperatures will rise slightly, but remain lower than seasonal average.

Thursday will be clear or partly cloudy, with a significant rise in temperatures, especially inland and in the mountains.

Friday will be mostly clear, with an additional slight rise in temperatures. Inland and in the mountains, the weather will become hot and dry for the season. 


moshe said...


Neshama said...

I'm so glad you like this. Thank you

Neshama said...

Yes, as people devise ways to torture us and manipulate the weather, EVERYTHING is under the watchful eye (so to speak) of G–D.
When HE decides enough is enough, or when we Jews have done enough Teshuva, HE will act!

Neshama said...

If one feels like they are coming down with a virus, take 10,000 of Vitamin D, 50 of zinc, twice da for first two days, then once a da. Add to that Vit C, Quercetin and 500 mg NAC

Anonymous said...

Again many thanks.

Gd bless you.


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