14 June 2022

City of David, Gihon Spring, Ancient Pathway of Jerusalem and The Pilgrimage Road

IR DAVID:  We are excited to take you on an unforgettable journey from the City of David down the ancient water system to the Gihon Spring. With many exciting stops, Doron and Tamara take us on a tour of the City of David that you can join from home! There is also a surprise visit to a cavern still not open to the public, an active archeological dig! Please join the City of David's Doron and Tamara as they explore the underground pathways of Ancient Jerusalem


Jerusalem Pilgrimage Road With The Israeli Ministry Of Foreign Affairs


More than two thousand years ago, hundreds of thousands of Jews packed the streets of Jerusalem, flocking to the Second Temple during the holidays of Passover, Shavuot & Sukkot. They stopped to buy water and treats from vendors, bought souvenirs home to their families and joined their Jewish brothers and sisters in an unforgettable spirtual and cultural experience. 

 1,952 years later, we're partnering with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to give you an inside look at the never before seen Pilgrimage Road where our ancestors walked. Ahead of Jerusalem Day (which is taking place on Sunday) we are proud to show you another layer of Jerusalem, the city which is our past, our present and our future. Credit: Asaf Peri, COD Archive

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