12 June 2022

Religious Clot Shot Created Just For Us!!


New Vaccine May Be Option for Troops with Religious Concerns

A COVID-19 vaccine that could soon win federal approval may offer a boost for the U.S. military: an opportunity to get shots into some of the thousands of service members who have refused other coronavirus vaccines for religious reasons.

At least 175 active duty and reserve service members have already received the Novavax vaccine, some even traveling overseas at their own expense to get it. The vaccine meets Defense Department requirements because it has the World Health Organization’s emergency use approval and is used in Europe and other regions. The Food and Drug Administration is considering giving it emergency use authorization in the U.S. [IS NOT approval]

[…] Military officials say many troops who refuse the shots cite certain COVID-19 vaccinesremote connection to abortions. [no longer remote]

it isn’t a real vaccine but a gene therapy 
to change how HaShem created and styled you.

The PCR fiction is creating cases again
If you have a virus, 
it’s likely from the ‘shot’

New WHO Classification:  Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines. [the shot, it’s oh, so sad]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The world has really become tje 'world of Chelm'. What 'science' has succeeded at is only one thing - 'manipulation of the narrative' You can scam practically anyone with manipulting the language and get the unthinking robotic person to believe it. We now have 'syndrome' as the latest falsifier word.

What’s With The Hands??

  Shai Graucher Gifts Emily Damari a BMW, Ohad Ben Ami Receives Tefillin