20 June 2022

Rabbi Green: Freemasonary and Idolatry


Does idol worship still exist in modern times?

Indeed it does, in many forms. The most blatant form persists in a neopagan cult called Luciferianism, but also in a less-obvious way that’s largely unnoticed by the public, in a secret society called “Freemasonry.” [1]

"Freemasonry" is polytheism at its core. The very existence of a secret society is an abomination to the Almighty and a brazen violation of the Divine covenant with Noah and his offspring. [2]

"Free Masons" have nothing to do with the stonemasons who helped build Solomon's Temple. This cult only came into existence a few centuries ago. Its objective was to subvert and undermine individual liberty, and to keep the masses enslaved to super-wealthy 'elites.’

Their so-called temples are the very antithesis of our Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Their 'sanctuaries,' rites, and rituals are impure.

Their symbols, cryptic hand gestures, and icons are polytheistic. Their obelisks, pentagrams, checkered floors, and emblems are all idolatrous, strictly prohibited by Torah law.

The secrecy of this cult bespeaks its underlying degeneracy.

Everything about this secret society is deceptive.

They stole and subverted ideas, words, and numerology from ancient holy sources and falsely claimed them as their own. The actual Noahide Code, original Temple pillars Yachin and Boaz, etc., existed millennia before “Freemasonry” and have absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

Its very name is fraudulent. In truth, "Free Masons" are nothing more than Enslaved Demolishers. [3]

Scripture prohibits us from admiring idol worshipers. [4]

Any celebrity or politician who flaunts his membership in this secret society must be presumed to be an idolater. One should not admire such an individual, nor enjoy his/her music, artwork, or other talent. In current times, idolaters should be eschewed and ignored.

Some folks are naively unaware of the true nature of this secret fraternity and its perverse religion. Such people must be educated. One who joined as a nominal member must disavow his involvement with this polytheistic cult and repent to G-d from the depths of his heart. Immersion in a mikveh [5] is appropriate befitting one who apostatized and/or contaminated his soul with idol worship.

Not knowing is no excuse. The very secrecy of this organization behooves any individual of sound moral conscience to thoroughly investigate before joining as a member. The naive member’s complacent ignorance doesn’t exempt him from moral culpability. [6]

That’s with regards to the errant individuals who have strayed after this nonsense. As for their pagan icons such as obelisks and pyramids, they should be torn down and utterly destroyed from our midst. At the very least, they should NOT be allowed into your home, not even a two-dimensional depiction of it.

And you shall tear down their altars, smash their monuments, burn their asherim with fire, cut down the graven images of their deities, and destroy their name from that place… [7]

The graven images of their deities you will burn with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is upon them and take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord, your God.

Nor should you bring an abomination into your house, lest you are to be destroyed like it, but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is to be destroyed. [8]

So may all Your enemies perish, O God. [9]

However, let us also recall the words of sagely Beruriah to her husband Rabbi Meir: “’May all sins cease from the earth’ -- sins but not sinners.” Let the sinners repent from their sinful ways. [10]

While the incorrigible and irredeemable enemies will surely perish, the sinners can repent. It is our responsibility guide them to repentance. Let’s get to work and educate them, and God will surely bless our efforts with success.

And it shall come to pass on that day, says the Lord of Hosts: I will cut off the names of the idols from the earth, and they shall no longer be mentioned. And also the [false] prophets and the spirit of contamination I shall remove from the earth. [11]

For then I will convert the peoples to a pure language that all of them call in the name of the Lord, to worship Him of one accord. [12]

May it be speedily in our days. Amen.


[1] And perhaps not coincidentally, Satanism intersects with numerous Masonic secret societies.

[2] Mishne Torah, Laws of Kings 10:9

[3] According to some sources, they call themselves “masons” to align with the Biblical stonemasons who rebelled against God by building an edifice to perpetuate their name, the Tower of Babel [Genesis 11:4]. Masons indeed.

[4] Deut. 7:2. Rashi ibid. Talmud Tractate Avoda Zara 20a.

[5] ritual bath

[6] Talmud Tractate Makkot 9b; Mishne Torah ibid 10:1.

[7] Deut. 12:3

[8] Ibid 7:25-26

[9] Judges 5:31

[10] Psalms 104:35; Talmud Tractate Berakhot 10a

[11] Zechariah 12:2

[12] Tzefaniah 3:9


Anonymous said...

Important post and necessary for everyone to read. Also, important to learn that all this shtus of those who go after this do not realize this goes back thousands of years. These impurities stem from the time of Nimrod and his idolatrous followers that went to war against the Creator. They were the Canaanites, etc. who sacrificed their own children to their gods and all the shmutz that go with it. These symbols were the backbone of the ancient Egyptians who were steeped in black magic and it was they that dragged along with the Jews at yetziat Mitzrayim. The court magicians, the two sons of Bilam harasha (the evil sorcerer) who led the erev rav, mixed multitudes, out of Egypt to join the Jews. They were and still are the troublemakers of the Jewish people for over 3300 years. These are also what is called 'elites' (Non Jews and some so-called Jews) who are wealthy and powerful. May H' send us our true Goel, Moshiach Ben Dovid, the servant of Hashem, and the world will then know there is only Hashem, Ain Od Milvado!
Thanks to Rabbi Green for the above important post.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Neshama for posting Rabbi Green article.

Kol HaKavod to Rabbi Green,
I find that not a lot of rabbis are speaking against this evil cult.
Its name sounds so benign and "noble", so misleading ....
May HaShem destroy all those evil satan worshipers and bring us Mashiach !


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