06 June 2022



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I, personally, cannot conceptionalize how to financially function NOT using a currency. If anyone can explain this in a more practical down-to-earth daily usage, please do so in the comments area.

I don’t like crypto, bc one must have a computer to get to them. No computing no crypto.

Bank digital currency system is anathema to me also.

So, what does one do?????


Gavriela Dvorah said...

How are you publishing your blog posts? You don't need a machshev, per se, only a digital device that connects to the internet (which is technically a computer). Crypto is the future. It's the only way to decentralize and block the power grab.

Neshama said...

Gavriela: My emphasis is on what to use for currency once the USD goes south, when we receive pension etc. in USD.
I can buy some silver, but it won’t be sufficient for every-day usage as I will hold it until the world knows what currency is dominant. Not sure about the shekel. Maybe the rouble?

I have no problem blogging.

Crypto is NOT good bc one NEEDS a computer and it can be wiped out unless one has an independent wallet for the virtual crypto. Its just not practical; its more for the money-movers and businesses and corps. NOT the everyday spender/buyer of household items.

Digital is same as crypto, either private or via the ds banking institution. If web goes down, no computer, no crypto. I don’t like cryptos, its too flimsy and not secure.

Hashem is leading us to “not a pruta in our pockets” i.e. depending solely on the Shmittah pledge and HKB”H for the next 2 yrs, after 2022, when the people of the world are searching for food, and famine is taking hold.

Not a good picture. One must learn how to grow food in gardens, balconies, inside (water method). These won’t work for me, here in my area the bugs are vultures and won’t allow anything to grow without them attacking and eating them. I tried, inside or outside – no go.

Bartering among small communal kibbutzim may be the best approach. This is what Ilana’s guest recommends.

Anonymous said...

What is this shigaon with cryto currency? It's everything that is against Torah; so much of Torah talks about the shekel; that is the only fair, honest and just way for people to buy and sell,etc. What a sad state of affairs the world is now in - H' Yerachem!
All this rishus will go the way of the dodo bird, (may it be immediate) once we greet Moshiach tzdkeinu!

Neshama said...

I agree entirely about the crypto, i see it as a false flag.
But do you really believe the current SHEKEL will survive the crash and remake of currency and financial transactions??

Anonymous said...

We are now in WWIII, this is all part it; the main theme of this war is 'insanity'. Where there is no G-D, there is no sanity! Does not matter at this point (war time) what happens in the interim to the shekel and other national currencies because when normalcy will return, so will the shekel, etc. In the meantime, these are dangerous times, we are awaiting the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu. Let's pray he does not delay and our people awaken and start crying out and praying to Hashem for His great mercy and kindness as He did at yetziat Mitzrayim!
Geulah is close because the world cannot continue with insanity.


Neshama said...

Anon 0.25
Sounds good to say we are in WW3.
I agree.
But when the USD and America falls go tell mothers how to buy food if they can find any with what currency?
Until Mashiach finally appears mother’s need to feed their babies and children!

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