25 June 2022

Shalom Pollack – DARK FORCES … UPDATE


“Dark forces"

This is the election campaign slogan of the Left (or as most like to rename it,  Center"-Left. as "Left" is discredited after the Oslo and Gaza fiascos)).

The specter of “dark forces" is meant to scare Israelis from casting their vote for the "Right" in the upcoming elections.

Since the Left engineered irreversible damage to the Land of Israel, the next target is the People of Israel.

After all, the two are intertwined. This was clearly understood and stated by one of the architects of the Oslo accords, Ron Pundak. He said, "Oslo was all about securing the "Israelization" of the country from its Judaization ''

He and his colleagues were fighting the “dark forces '.

When Lapid moved into his office at the foreign ministry a year ago, he made sure to raise the LGTB flag in front of the ministry building - to chase away the darkness.

The assault on the Jewish family is necessary to chase away the darkness.

The enlightened ones fought the fight of light vs darkness when they insisted to bring chometz for the first time into hospitals on Pesach.

The forces of light did their best to destroy the holy Sabbath.

The forces of light prevented tree planting on Tu Bishvat in the Negev because only dark forces would ignore Arab resentment to Jewish national expression in Israel.

Something of historical implications has occurred in the last government led by Bennet Lapid. They have "crossed the Rubicon" and officially allied themselves with the anti-Israel, Arab sector. What has been anathema to just about all Israelis until only very recently, is now the official alternative of the "enlightened” in battling the "dark forces"

The forces of light can no longer form a government without the support and permission of the anti-Israel, Arab population. No longer do they pretend to represent a Jewish majority. It doesn't exist.

Only dark and racist forces would insist on a Jewish majority representation in the Jewish state.

How often in our history has light been called dark?

Remember the chapter of the spies about? They warned against the dark forces who would take us into our land

Korach also challenged the dark forces.

There was a section in the Communist party run by Jews called the "Yuvestka".

Its purpose was to root out and destroy all the forces of Jewish darkness in the Soviet Union.

Before they were murdered by Stalin, they managed to help murder countless "dark" Jews.

When Stalin died in 1953, the Left in Israel mourned the "Sun of the nations" and lowered the red flag to half-mast. The forces of light.

Nothing has changed.

Shalom Pollack

"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

My book,

available on Amazon and Book depository


Talk about
 ‘Dark,Misogynist’ US Govt, 

Israel has one also

(look at those hands and nails!)

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