08 June 2022

Food of the Future

There is more to Milk than Cows . . . Two interesting and informative videos sure to create comments

[this guy comes right out and says bugs and worms!]


On this episode of Insights: Israel & the Middle East, host Mati Shoshani visits Vinia Labs for an inside look into how this company has unlocked the secrets of cellular plant biology, taking active ingredients from plants to develop supplements that the body needs to survive and thrive. Hear from Dr. Yochi Hagay and Malkit Azachi, CTO Co-Founders of Bioharvest.


On this episode of Insights Israel & the Middle East, host Mati Shoshani tours the Zion Oil and Gas drilling pad in Jerusalem, and gets an inside look at the Negev Energy plant in Israel. 
You will hear from: John Brown, Founder and CEO of Zion Oil and Gas, and Eran Agai, head of Engineering at Negev Energy in Israel. 
 Yosef Abramowitz, President and CEO of Energiya Global Capital on how he began a solar project that provides energy for the first fully solar-powered region in the world. 
We’ll also meet Dr. Zvi Karkz, VP for Exploration, Delek Drilling as he provides the inside scoop on Israel’s ocean oil drilling system. Colonel (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman. Listen in as they discuss the connection between Biblical prophecies and Israel’s future in solar, oil, and gas energies. Join us, as we journey through Israel unpacking the oldest questions with modern insights, and the stories of the people behind it all.


Anonymous said...

After opening the first video and watching for a few minutes, I just got so turned off that I didn't even bother to open up the second video. To think that from Eretz HaKodesh, we get 'science' on how to raise food from bugs, etc. The world has become so, so sick, there are no words.
The nations who produce all kinds of food have for decades been throwing tons and tons of all kinds of extra produce into the ocean which can feed the world ten times over. But, why do that because money always trumps everything and mainly human life. There is no real reason for this.
People know how to use plants for foods which we have been eating from time immemorial. Why don't they use the plants for what H' wants us to use it for, which is 'medicine' instead of poisonous drugs. The Rambam knew the cures for everything and all from plants.
This is all preplanned to undo humanity. Their war is against H', G-D of Creation.

Anonymous said...

Decided to open the second video where I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was about energy. That's a whole different story. That makes sense to be self sufficient energy-wise.
Enjoyed that. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

There lays the trick of these JC people that made these videos something against Torah mixed with something new and cool that fits their agenda 2030

Neshama said...

As the world moves into engineered famine, Israel might become the source of all “food (sic)” to the nations.

Small undeveloped countries are the first to cry out for food, but many starve; and then the larger countries semi-developed, and finally the large very developed are the last to experience food very–insecurity.

Anonymous said...

Think I agree with Anonymous @9:56.


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