17 October 2017

The Schizophrenic Israeli Government

The Schizophrenic Israeli Government’s Impact on Society
A Case Against Insanity (update at end article)

Website fined for encouraging 'Jewish labor'
'Jewish Labor List,' which encourages employers to hire Jewish laborers, fined 40 thousand shekels plus legal fees for 'discrimination.’ ArutzSheva.
A suit, filed against the manager of the site by the Reform Center for Religion and State and the Mossawa Center and joined by the Equal Opportunities Commission at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the court ruled that the site illegally discriminates, as delineated in “Prohibition of Discrimination in Products, Services and Entry to Entertainment and Public Places Law” of 2000.

As a result, the court imposed a fine of 40,000 shekels ($11,400) on the manager of the site, plus legal fees.
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[This so angered me: She is not advocating for a return to the Kibbutz Era raising of children, no, she wants to indoctrinate your children with Communism]
MK: The nuclear family is unsafe for children. Zionist Union MK says children shouldn't be raised by their parents, but by strangers chosen by the government.
Speaking on Australian television in September, Michaeli argued that "the core family as we know it is one of the least safe place for children - not just in Australia but in the entire western world."
Michaeli is renowned for her progressive views on family issues. On Monday, Michaeli tweeted support for an article published in Yediot Aharonot that called for the government to take control over children's education from their parents. Michaeli is also a fierce opponent of the institution of marriage and has advocated for its abolishment. In 2012, she gave a TED talk on the issue, where she told the audience that marriage was responsible for the abuse of women. ArutzSheva
"We must cancel marriage," said Michaeli. 
"Not only religious marriage, marriage is not an issue of religion. 
Also civil marriage. 
I want all secular states to totally eliminate all registration and regulation of marriage. 
I want to cancel the very concept of marriage."
"Children are our future, and the future of “our society” and “our country”, Michaeli tweeted. "They are not a private issue.”

A Commenter’s salient rebuttal:
There is no such sentient being called "Government." Any government, whether democratic or tyrannical, is composed of people. Those people are in no way significantly different than any other people. They do not have blue blood. Their bodily functions and needs are identical to anybody else. They are not ubermenchen. They may fantasize that they are somehow inherently superior to the rest of humanity but they are not. So why would any of them be better qualified to raise a child more than the child’s parents? The answer is they would not be. The reason that psychopathic, fantasizers want to steal children is to use them for their own ends and not for the benefit of the child or the great good of society. They want the children in order to satisfy their physical desires and to turn them into obedient drones that will obey any orders given them. We have seen this throughout all of history. Most recently we saw this by the Nazis and the Communists.

A second rebuttal: “As an unmarried woman with no children of her own, Michaeli may not have the personal experience to teach her what most parents intuitively know and what the data proves – that traditional, nuclear families with both biological parents married to each other is the most successful family arrangement, and the safest place to raise children. With such statistics readily available, however, a person in such a position of power should at the very least take the time to examine what the data says, rather than simply engage in moral preening and indulge in righteous indignation.”

“I oppose opening the gate [to PA workers] before any lessons are learned [from the attack]; only afterwards can we sit down and figure out whether or not we should open the gate [to PA workers]. While the attack took place just outside of the fence, it could have easily ended inside it. The despicable terrorist had wanted to get inside the town, and it was only because the town security director happened to spot him that the attack happened outside of the gate, and that was a miracle.”

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[Most Palestinians are not terrorists, but all terrorists in Israel are Palestinians]
'People here are too scared to sleep at night'
Exactly three weeks ago, an Arab resident of the Palestinian Authority murdered three Israeli security personnel at the back entrance to the town of Har Adar. “I oppose opening the gate [to PA workers] before any lessons are learned [from the attack]; only afterwards can we sit down and figure out whether or not we should open the gate [to PA workers]. While the attack took place just outside of the fence, it could have easily ended inside it. The despicable terrorist had wanted to get inside the town, and it was only because the town security director happened to spot him that the attack happened outside of the gate, and that was a miracle.”  Har Adar councilman slams plans to reopen town to Arab workers after terrorist gunned down three. 'Most people won't even hire them now.’ ArutzSheva

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[Is the Left now usurping the Right’s Agenda?]
'Land of Israel belongs to the Jews, God promised it to Abraham,' says Zionist Union chief.
Zionist Union chief Avi Gabbay refused to retract his recent statements opposing the eviction of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in a potential future peace deal with the Palestinian Authority, despite blowback he received from his Labor faction.Gabbay argued instead that Israel would need to find "creative solutions" about what to do with Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in a future peace deal. ArutzSheva

[I guess he sees this as a solution to the “Palestinian problem” and the “settlement problem”]

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[Avraham Avinu might be turning over in his kever upon learning this:]
Criminal Missionary Predator
"Right now, [Israeli] Democracy protects the missionary predator's "right" to prey upon his unsuspecting victims, but the Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst" specifically with regard to enticing Jews in Eretz Yisrael to follow another god.”

The Missionaries are fast at work stealing neshomas in Israel. Please read: "Destroy the Evil from Your Midst”

Environmental Protection Minister Zeev Elkin (Likud) on Wednesday morning spoke to Kol Barama Radio. In part, Elkin also spoke about Labor leader Avi Gabbay's declaration that "if we succeed in reaching a peace agreement, then...creative solutions should be found in order to avoid evacuating settlements."

According to Elkin, Gabbay learned this tactic from Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid. "When the leftists protest, he says he's a leftist; when the rightist protest, he says he's a rightist," Elkin explained. "But anyone going over the Zionist Union's party list knows that the Zionist Union is a radical leftist party, the likes of which have never been known before.” The Zionist Union is a joint list made up of Labor, Tzipi Livni's Hatenua party, and the Green Movement.


yaak said...

You could see how MK Michaeli's Communist thinking influenced the abduction of Yemenite children in the 1950s.

ה' ירחם.

Anonymous said...

Does all this not literally PROVE that the inmates are running the asylum?
These are the reincarnations of Nimrod and his followers who are fighting not only the Jewish people and humanity, in general, but Almighty G-D! Cannot understand how the REAL Jews in Eretz Yisrael are not out enmasse protesting against the insanities coming from the Knesset. There are no words except for cukoo, nuts, insane, sick, perverted, etc. B'emet, H' yerachem!

Anonymous said...

Michaeli (if halachically Jewish) needs a herem. Avi Gabbay embodies mizrahi in person, true to his traditions, even if he considers himself left-wing, he is likely to be ostracized by his Ashkenazi coreligionists.

My opinion is that the cultural and sociological model of medinah Israel is responsible for creating problematic yehudim generations, whether physically (many maimed by war, or should not marry within klal), but also psychologically, where on the one hand they feel inferior to the rest of the world and demonize the Arabs, on the other hand they love the Arabs and demonize themselves, in the end the Torah ends up being left aside. Tragic reality.

Anonymous said...

That's what I've been saying for a long time too! Why are 'voluntarily' self-elevated, public persons who make the laws for us, the politicians, above any transparency, especially when it comes to their criminal records and drug-testing! These dopeheads and pervs should be the front-line guineapigs for every single insane law they don't understand themselves yet, impose on every sane citizen.
But so far, there's been two sets of Rules, one for us, one for them.

This revelation is so disgusting but, not a surprise by any means.

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