04 January 2025

Rabbi Weissman: The Slavery of Taxation, and the Torah Way UPDATE Art

Everyone should demand Torah to be the law of the land

This week’s Torah class coincides with the Erev Rav jacking up taxes yet again and eroding benefits, driving up the inflation death spiral even more, making life more difficult for everyone except the pigs on top, and pushing even more people on the brink into poverty, all to pay for an endless, directionless “war” (where’s that money going, and for exactly what in return?), as they encourage the foolish, brainwashed peasants to release their pent-up anger on “Haredim” as the ones responsible for all their suffering.

We've all been born into a slave system, and never knew anything different, so we take many things for granted that are totally different from how they should be. 

This week’s Torah class is all about taxation in Tanach and Chazal. What is the general perspective toward the types of taxes that we’ve gotten so used to? What are the legal limits of taxation according to the Torah, even for kings? Who is exempt, why, and what critical lesson does this teach us about the carefully defined and limited place of taxes in a society governed by the Torah?

The Torah sources will blow your mind and excite your imagination for what could really be, if only we believed in it and wanted it enough to actively seek it. 

I hope religious people will realize how much we have bought into an un-Torah system...and I hope secular Jews will listen to these teachings with the open mind they claim to have, and realize how they have been sold a false bill of goods. 

We have no reason to be in the Land of Israel if not for the Torah to be the law of the land. And there is nothing that would be sweeter. Not even close.

Please share this class. It’s available here and on my Rumble channel at

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Couldn’t resist adding this to the above:

The Lesser Known First Plague – Parshat Vayigash
comic from JewishPress

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