26 January 2025

Rabbi Weissman: Whose agenda are the Shin Bet and the IDF really serving?


Whose agenda are the Shin Bet and the IDF really serving?
Insightful nuggets from a Trojan horse

Like Mishpacha Magazine, Ami Magazine has been pumping out Trojan horse "feature articles" to infiltrate religious Jewish homes. Why Torah-minded Jews actually pay for this "service", let alone allow it at all, is something that really needs to be addressed already.
In 2022 I released an 8-part series documenting an unholy alliance between the Boro Park Jewish Community Council and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to infiltrate the Orthodox Jewish world with "culturally tailored" vaccine propaganda, as well as to gather intelligence on the community.
In the final part I noted that Ami Magazine was the first "stakeholder" listed on their "Partner Engagement Plan". Quoting from that article:
"The "engagement strategy" for Ami was to "Provide a culturally sensitive and well-respected outlet for the community to gain information as to where to access public health resources. Partner with a writer from our community to put together sensitive public health articles that will speak to this community."
"In plain English: Leverage the community's trust in Ami as a “kosher” magazine to spread tailored propaganda (described by the BPJCC as “correct public health information”). This government propaganda would come under the guise of general content from a regular contributor to Ami, who would serve as a covert missionary."
The full article is available here, and I encourage everyone to check out the entire series.
With this in mind, I draw your attention to the cover article in Ami Magazine from December 30, 2023, not long after the October 7 attack that the IDF officially confirmed they weren’t actually “surprised” by after all. Anyone with two un-brainwashed brain cells shouldn’t have needed official confirmation, but unfortunately many people nowadays don’t satisfy this minimum requirement.
The article is titled “October 7 Didn’t Surprise Me”, and it features a discussion with Shachar Dor, who was born in Gaza and, after a harrowing journey, escaped his society and converted to Judaism. It’s certainly an interesting story, but the real thrust of the piece is that Hamas is really, really bad, and Gazans want to wipe Jews off the face of the earth. No disagreement from me there, but it’s two little nuggets within the “support the war” propaganda that really interest me.

Exhibit #1:

We were seriously supposed to believe that Israel’s highest security organizations, most notably the Shin Bet, were relying on polls over actual intelligence to assess the likelihood of trouble from Gaza, to the point of silencing someone who grew up next door to Yahya Sinwar himself.
No chance they knew about it, allowed it, and even collaborated on it. They just had a massive intelligence failure and were misled by poll

Exhibit #2:

After Dor received Israeli citizenship, he was drafted by the IDF. After publicly declaring that he would refuse orders to throw Jews out of their homes, the IDF decided they didn’t need him. After all, the IDF relies heavily on goyish soldiers and deeply propagandized secular Jews for such important missions (see Gush Katif expulsion). Where do I sign up?

As always, draw your own conclusions.

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Anonymous said...

To me, all you need to know is that they are the Erev Rav and it's in their blood; power, money, etc. and the undoing of Torah Judaism. It's been that way for over 3000 years. All the tzarot that Am Yisrael has suffered was because of the Erev Rav. They do not posses the three qualities of a true Jew:
1) True believers in Hashem;
2) They have no humility and can neither
be humble or caring;
3) They do not possess the superior quality of 'rachamim' - mercy!
Many of them might be what is called 'halachacly Jewish, but do not have
the 'Jewish' neshamot!
We need TRUE Jewish leadershiip and pray for the coming of
Moshiach to undo 3000 years of treachery.

Neshama said...

BRAVO emmess!!


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