Hostage Reality TV, and Reality Deniers
Plus the Largest Holocaust Ever and Why It Happened
If you're wondering how it's possible that the celebrity IDF girls who were "released" after supposedly spending 15 months in tunnels, without sunlight, on a starvation diet, under constant threat of torture and death, could emerge without looking pale and emaciated (in one case clearly overweight), let alone without any signs of emotional distress, you clearly forgot about the "miraculous" case of Shani Louk, whose dead body was supposedly in a Hamas tunnel for 7 months, yet was found intact. In the mother's words, she almost looked alive. Look it up.
For some reason that we are not allowed to ask about, God performed a miracle for this tattooed party girl that is normally reserved only for the very saintliest tzaddikim, and didn't allow her to decompose even slightly. The non-miracle explanation is that the tunnel was very cold. Right.
There is absolutely no chance that Louk's body was in an Erev Rav freezer, and the girls are state actors. Only people who kidnap babies and perform medical experiments on them, and let thousands of Jews get maimed and slaughtered without responding for hours on end, would ever be so diabolical. And surely such people don't exist in our midst, have biblical names, and occupy all the relevant positions of power. It's too horrible to be true, so it simply can't be true. So just be quiet and don't ask questions.
On that note, here’s a heavy dose of propaganda:
Don't you feel WONDERFUL and INSPIRED now? We prevailed!!!
So what if Israel, Inc. just unleashed thousands of assassins to handle the next operation? It was all worth it just for this warm fuzzy feeling I have right now.
I can't wait for the movie.
Were there real hostages taken? Of course; they weren’t all crisis actors. The real hostages didn’t fare so well. Molech does have to be fed, after all. But if you don’t smell anything fishy about the theatrical hostage release production, and you’re letting them manipulate your emotions yet again, it’s time to recognize that you’re probably part of the 80% that got left behind in the plague of darkness.
On THAT note, here’s something I wrote to scoffers who mocked me for believing that we are ruled by evil people (where’s the evidennnnnnce of malicious intent???), and instead believe the latest narrative that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be allowed the October 7 attack so as not to compromise a “vital intelligence source”:
There's nothing intellectual about bending over backwards to argue that the same regime that kidnapped and trafficked Yemenite babies from hospitals and told the parents they were dead, and conducted horrific Mengele-like medical experiments on Moroccan babies, and murdered the rabbi who exposed it, and denied it all for decades, and continues to cover up most of it, and made sure no one was ever brought to justice to this very day — all of which is a "conspiracy" that involved numerous people — wouldn't collaborate on other atrocities against their own people, for whatever purposes suit them.
There's nothing intellectual about demanding impossible levels of "evidence" for this, and mocking people who believe this, even though it explains everything that happened far more smoothly than all the gymnastics you engage in.
There's nothing intellectual about denying this as even a reasonable possibility, with silly arguments that a specific smoke-filled room needs to be provided (as if even THAT would convince you).
Meanwhile, upwards of 20,000 idealistic Jewish fighters were maimed and killed for nothing, and anyone with half a brain warned that would happen from day one (including yours truly), and still you explain it all away as a series of reasonable calculations, mistakes that intellectuals need to explain away, and misfortune.
There's nothing intellectual about using your intelligence to outsmart yourself, deny reality staring you in the face, and continue being a sucker, while pretending to be the smart one in the room.
Everyone who can reasonably be assumed to have known about October 7 and who did not take appropriate actions should have been rounded up and arrested immediately. Instead they were all allowed to to lead Jews into death traps for nothing, while directing the public to unleash their anger and frustration at yeshiva students instead. And all the "intellectuals" took the bait.
I'll make one final comment as food for thought, and then I'll leave you to your fun and games.
For the last 15 months the establishment made preposterous claims about how October 7 could have happened. It was a surprise. It was a miscalculation. Iran hacked and disabled the cameras by the border (as if that enough wouldn't have warranted an emergency response). It was an intelligence failure. It was a perfect storm of perfectly understandable, well-intentioned mistakes and bad fortune. You bought all the BS and mocked those who didn't.
Now it's come out that they knew there was a very strong likelihood that a major attack with hostage-taking was imminent. And they didn't take decisive action to prevent it. So they were lying for the last 15 months, they knew they were lying for the last 15 months, and you should eat a lot of humble pie for believing the BS.
But what do you do instead? You double down yet again! You believe the current, even more preposterous BS. They didn't know with CERTAINTY that this major attack and hostage-taking was going to happen. Maybe it was something more benign. Even so, they had a very good reason not to prevent it. Some vital intelligence source would have been compromised if they prevented the October 7 massacre. No matter that there was plenty of warnings for months before October 7, and especially in the days leading up to October 7, that would have justified decisive action and covered for any "vital intelligence source". No matter that the slaughter was being broadcast online in real time for hours and hours while the IDF was AWOL.
The criminals and liars (the "experts") now claim that they had a very plausible, justifiable reason not to prevent October 7 (the greater good), and you buy that BS too. You double down on trusting them, double down on mocking people like me, and reserve your sanctimonious outrage only for haredim.
You keep doubling down, you would do it again, and you still think you have the intellectual and moral high ground.
At some point you share responsibility for the many thousands of slave soldiers who were maimed and killed for nothing.
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