29 January 2025


Please don't slander me by falsely accusing me of "bashing Chabad."

Heaven forfend. Nothing could be further from the truth.

No, I've never been "against" Chabad. I AM Chabad.

The Rebbe is my teacher and guide, the tmimim [1] are my brothers, and Anash [2] is my family. My home is a Chabad House, a beis Chabad in every sense of the word. The Rebbe's teachings permeate my home. Please don't malign me as being "anti-chabad" chas vsholom.

Rather, I've been protesting the insidious infiltration and subversion of major Chabad institutions in recent years and their shocking complicity to a dark antinomian and democidal agenda. These imposters -- whoever they are -- are NOT Chabad and are in NO way representative of anything that our holy Rebbes represent.

The current rabbinic and lay leadership of these institutions, including many in the "Anash" rabbinate, are compromised. They must be replaced.

Fellow tmimim and anash! Please heed my cry. Reject and ignore the current establishment who has brazenly hijacked our institutions. Do not entrust your children to them or their shmad haizer ר"ל היל"ת. Walk in the true ways that were paved for us by our Rebbeim. Do not bow to Marxism, Zionism, statism, corporatism, or any form of institutionalism.

Tear down the idols that have been brazenly set up on Eastern Parkway and elsewhere, in front of Chabad institutions worldwide and on the worldwide web. ה' ירחם.

Let's take back our chabad institutions, or at least create new ones that will stay true to our mission of kabolas pnei moshiach tzidkeinu.

Even better, let's create new paradigms for Anash communities that are independent from the democidal powers that shouldn't be, far away from the open-air concentration camps that urban ghettos have tragically become.

Let us take back our food sovereignty, our kashrus, and our chinuch sovereignty to educate our children free from government dictates.

Let us return to the earth and raise our families in wholesome natural environments, something that all of our Rebbeim encouraged (from the Baal Shem Tov through the Maharash with regards to the Jewish farmer colonies, and the Rayatz and our Rebbe with regards to farming moshav Kfar Chabad in its early years).

If more chassidim start speaking out, we can vindicate our Rebbe's holy name and separate ourselves from the unspeakable impurities that have been falsely associated with institutionalized Chabad כאילו פדאני ואת בני מבית האסורים . And together we shall prevail. יד חסידים על העליונה


[1] Students (current and alumnai) of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim

[2] Anash (אנש) is acrostic for אנשי שלומנו, men of our brotherhood. It refers to all chassidim and their families 

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