27 January 2025

Rabbi Weissman – "...a knife in the back of the fighters"


The Only People You Are Allowed and Encouraged to Hate

Then you complain when the goyim do the same with you

"the draft evasion law is sticking a knife in the back of the fighters"

Big expensive billboards (paid for by whom?) have been put up across Israel declaring that "the draft evasion law is sticking a knife in the back of the fighters". This is in reference to a proposed law that would facilitate yeshiva students being exempt from Israel Death Factory servitude (a.k.a "IDF service").

You know what's really a knife in the back of fighters?

Getting upwards of 20,000 Jewish soldiers maimed and killed in Gaza, ostensibly for the sake of freeing hostages, then making absurdly lopsided "deals" anyway that all but guarantee we’ll do this rodeo again. That’s a knife in the back.

Proclaiming over and over that "victory" means the utter defeat of Hamas, then freeing thousands Hamas fighters that you paid so bitterly to capture, and admitting that Hamas somehow replenished all their losses in the "war". That’s a knife in the back.

Misleading religious Zionist suckers that they were fighting to resettle land they'd previously been evicted from, then cynically having them capture a target and pull back, over and over again like a yo-yo — each time paying with blood and limbs. That’s a knife in the back.

Ordering Jews into death traps, threatening them with all sorts of persecution if they refuse, while pretending there was a justifiable operational objective and it needed to be done specifically this way. That’s a knife in the back.

Prosecuting Jewish fighters for not being gentle enough with their enemies, a favor that is never returned when the shoe is on the other foot. That’s a knife in the back.

Raising taxes even more, ostensibly to pay for the war, driving even more people on the brink of poverty into the abyss. Meanwhile, Jewish soldiers needed worldwide fundraising to be fed and outfitted with the basics, while Gaza/Hamas got truckloads of supplies from Israel every day for free. That’s a knife in the back.

Doing all this and more, then conditioning these pitiful brainwashed suckers to direct all their anger at yeshiva students instead. They're the enemy. They're the existential threat. It's all their fault. Hate them with all you've got.

And you take the bait, too, blaming yeshiva students for all the above and more. if only they paid more taxes. If only they received fewer benefits (or none at all!). If only they “sacrificed” like you. If only they all just left the country. If only they would just die. Then it would all be better.

And it drives you crazy that the goyim irrationally blame everything on you and hate you no matter what. You bemoan the unreasonable double standards, the obsession with hating you like no one else, the twisting of reality to always portray you as the villain, the lumping of everyone into one box, the insane justifications when people commit atrocities against you, and so much more.

You shower everyone with love and tolerance, slavishly yearning for their friendship and support, but the Jew who looks different and thinks differently and doesn’t sacrifice his body and soul for your false god — you’re consumed with hatred for him, especially for him, only for him.

And that’s why you get stabbed in the front.


moshe said...

Just proven right - typed about two paragraphs which the powers that be didn't care for and they just made it disappear. May H' have mercy because the most extreme forces of pure evil are all out of hiding - maybe it's come to a head and will lead to the coming of MBY. It's about time.

Neshama said...

Moshe try putting it elsewhere


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