27 January 2025

“Every place that your foot shall tread upon shall be yours.”

 Shiloh youth seek support for farm to protect hills

The farm was started by Avichai Suisa, former head of HaShomer Yosh, which ceased operation when the Biden administration hit the organization with sanctions. Suisa, who was also sanctioned personally, responded by setting up a new farm, Havat Nof HaMishkan. He recruited the youth of Shiloh, with the support of the town government.

Contributions to this vital work can be made, click here>>>

Havat Nof HaMishkan is situated on state land that was illegally occupied by Arabs until October 7, 2023. “They came close to Shiloh, they threw construction waste and garbage and were taking over the area with plantations,” Suisa remembers.“After October 7 the army cleared the area. It was important to settle the area quickly to prevent the Arabs from coming back.”

The aim of a farm is to control land by grazing herds of sheep and cows. When the Arabs see that the herds are constantly present, they keep away. In this way, a medium-sized herd can control several thousand dunams. The farm also needs to grow food for the herds, to supplement the pasturage.

Suisa and the youth have planted twenty dunams with olive trees and have bought a herd of sheep and a tractor. They need more agricultural equipment, and they want to buy more animals, cows as well as sheep, to enlarge the grazing area.


Anonymous said...

So sad, it's getting to hard to read about the horrors that our people have to endure residing in our own holy Eretz Yisrael. When will H' undo all our enemies from within and without? So much like ancient mitzrayim, it was getting so bad to endure the enslavement and today it's a different kind of enslavement, but just as bad, even worse because it's all happening in our Land, not as slaves in a foreign land. Let's cry out and not stop until Hashem Hears our cries and pleas; then we will have our geulah as we did then over 3000 years ago

Neshama said...

Yes, Boruch, these beautiful brave souls doing everything they can to bring the Geula!


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