28 January 2025

Rabbi Weissman: WHERE DID ALL THE עָפָר אֲדָמָה חוֹל GO???

 Yes *where is all the קרקה ?

How did Hamas dispose of the dirt to dig the tunnels?

The shocking answer that somehow escaped "Israeli intelligence"

Digging a massive underground city of tunnels requires hiding or disposing of a massive amount of dirt. How did Hamas manage to accomplish this without "Israeli intelligence" knowing about it immediately?

Prisoners who try to dig their way out of prison have the same problem. It's not an easy one to solve. Yet we're supposed to believe Hamas built a whole underground city and Israel had no idea where the tunnels were without sending in people on the ground?

A new bombshell report sheds a disturbing light on this:

Vassals in the Sand: How Israelis supported and funded Gaza attack tunnels

According to an Israeli lawyer who was personally involved in the deal, dirt from tunnels was sold dirt cheap, at a 40% discount, to an Israeli contractor, for use in Israeli construction projects.

How does that make you feel?

It's reminiscent of the Jewish mother in a concentration camp who was served a gourmet meal one day by a friendly Nazi officer, who later informed her that she'd eaten her own baby.

It should have been easy for "Israeli intelligence" to track down where specifically the tunnels were being built from the massive amounts of dirt being hauled away....and to trace it back through the people involved in this deal.

So why did a bunch of religious Zionist lambs have to go on a scavenger hunt looking for these tunnels?

The answer should be clear already.

Have a look at this great victory parade by Hamas. Kol Hakavod. You don't have to like them to acknowledge a job well done.

And here we were supposed to believe they are huddled in tunnels 24/7 like rats, afraid to come up for a little Vitamin D.

Meanwhile, inspiring videos from our side typically show smiling soldiers with missing limbs.

Then we receive more confirmation that the fruit of all those dead and maimed Jewish soldiers (most of them religious) is that Hamas recruited 15,000 new fighters:

Exclusive-Hamas has added up to 15,000 fighters since start of war, US figures show

Somehow there is plenty of food, clothing, weapons, and ammunition for all of them, despite Danon stating that "even if they recruit youngsters, they don't have the weapons or the training facilities. So basically, yes, you can incite those youngsters against Israel, but they cannot become a terrorist, because you cannot equip them with weapons or rockets."

Fortunately, we are told that "the Israel Defense Forces would continue to fight to further dismantle Hamas." I've seen many Jewish soldiers who still have all their arms and legs, so clearly the work is not yet done.

"The second phase of the ceasefire deal could bring about a permanent end to the fighting.”


"Some Israeli officials say they won't accept Hamas staying in power."

Only some? You mean the controlled opposition who support sending more brainwashed lambs to the slaughter?

Perpetual war on the way to a totalitarian utopia is a calling card of the depopulation, enslavement agenda.

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Maybe in groundbreaking housing developments

Screenshot from JPost RE article


Anonymous said...


And the Mouse says, “I shall exalt you, YHVH, for you have impoverished me, and you have not let my enemies rejoice over me.”

The Cat is saying, “If you rise up like a vulture, and place your nest among the stars, from there I shall bring you down, says YHVH.”

And when the cat catches it, the cat says, “I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them, and I did not return until they were destroyed.”

And the Mouse concedes, “You are just for all that comes upon me, for you have acted truthfully, and I have been wicked.”


Anonymous said...


Neshama said...

mouse in ivrit = עַכְבָּר .....according to googletranslate


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